Minggu, 08 Mei 2016

Dinner but Do not Want to get FAT?? EAT THIS

Image From: assets.entrepreneur.com

Dinner? Don't want to get FAT? EAT THIS - Many people who are on a diet to maintain their weight by avoiding dinner. When in fact let a hungry stomach can make you sleepless and risky awake at night to eat more. Anti-Fat dinner menu can be an effective middle ground.

Eating at night is often associated with unhealthy eating patterns due to stress and boredom. Besides eating at night, especially when in front of the TV, often become unmanageable because portions are often uncontrolled and involve fatty foods, such as chips, cookies, or candy. In addition, eating foods with a time too close to bedtime risk causing sleep disturbances and digestive.

Anti-Fat Dinner

A renowned nutritionists had even given advice: eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. However, in the development, there is an assumption that whenever you eat, the calories still calories. The type of food, the calories contained in them, and the types of activities you do to burn calories are the factors that determine your weight gain.

The study did find that eating at night is twice as likely to increase body weight compared to other meal times, but research is still carried out on animals and cause weight gain can not be identified with certainty, much less generalized. Therefore, further research is needed to determine whether dinner is causing more body fat.
Don't want to get FAT? EAT THIS.
Image From: randidrasin.com

 Menu options Dinner

However, you are worried about fat because dinner can take the middle road by making the dinner menu is not fattening and remain nutritious.

The dinner menu 1

  1. An 140-gram grilled salmon spiced
  2. Half servings of brown rice
  3. Half a cup of steamed broccoli
  4. A cup of fat-free milk

The dinner menu 2

  1. A piece of grilled chicken
  2. ¾ cup steamed potatoes
  3. Half a cup of steamed carrots
  4. A cup of fat-free milk

The dinner menu 3

  1. Boiled spinach
  2. Half servings of brown rice
  3. Glass of water

The dinner menu 4

  1. Bokcoy and tofu stir-fry
  2. Half servings of brown rice
  3. A glass of iced lemon tea

The dinner menu 5

  1. Half portion of spaghetti made from whole grain without added salt
  2. A plate of vegetable salad with olive oil
  3. A glass of mineral water

The dinner menu 6

  1. Kebab content of tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, and roasted chicken breast without skin
  2. A cup of fruit juice
Dinner? Don't want to get FAT? EAT THIS
Image From: Kansascitysteaks.com

The dinner menu 7

  1. 55 gram steak tenderloin
  2. Cup small potato
  3. Salad content of tomatoes and green vegetables with olive oil
  4. A cup of mineral water
You can design your own favorite dinner menu with ingredients that are easily available in the market. We have also been provided a lot of choice in the online healthy recipes that can be accessed easily. You can choose recipes with basic ingredients that are more or less the same to minimize expenses.

Here's a selection of food that can be integrated into your dinner menu.

  • Olive oil can be used, either for sauteing or as a blend salad, as a source of healthier fats.
  • Fish such as sardines, salmon and mackerel can be a source of omega-3 fatty acids that are good for heart health. Aim to eat at least two servings of fish a week.
  • Avocado, which is also good for the heart, it can be processed into juice or bread stuffing. Besides the consumption of avocados also make the body more easily absorb nutrients.
  • Aim to eat at least 2-3 cups a day of green vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, and spinach.
  • Eggs are a good source of protein as well cheap. The poached eggs are healthier to eat than eggs fried in oil bath.
To prevent weight gain due to dinner, you should avoid eating while watching TV, limit the portion of the dinner menu, avoid eating snacks after eating the main menu, and you should eat dinner before 20:00.

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