Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Take Many Benefits of Roses for Health, Beauty, and, Miss V. CHECK THIS OUT!!!

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Take Many Benefits of Roses for Health, Beauty, and, Miss V. CHECK THIS OUT!!! - Roses besides known as a symbol of affection is also known as the flowers are beneficial for health and beauty. Behind the beautiful shape but can be used as ornamental flowers also provide many benefits to Health and beauty, especially for women.

Benefits Roses For Women's Health and Beauty

Many still consider roses can only be used as an ornamental flowers only but in fact bung roses can be beneficial to the health and beauty of women. Here's the explanation:

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1. Eliminate Acne

The water that comes from a rose is a natural cleanser for the face material because it contains a lot of antioxidants and very effective to kill the bacteria that cause acne. It is very easy is to wash your face regularly using a mixture of warm water and the water rose.

2. Take Good Care of Skin

Healthy skin is skin with a stable pH, one way to keep the balance that the waste water rose. Water roses can be used as a natural ingredient skin care because it can balance sebum production in the skin. Water roses can treat the skin good skin is dry or oily. Benefits of Vitamin E also believed to treat the skin so the skin becomes healthy and shiny look.

3.Keep Hair Health

By using water roses believed our hair will be healthy because the water rose itself has a natural conditioning that works to moisturize the hair. You do this by pouring a few drops of rose water while shampooing coincided with shampoo, in addition to making the skin healthier this way you have a distinctive fragrance hair.

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4. Maintain Healthy Eyes

Often women have problems with the black eye bags under the eyes because it reduces the beauty. To get rid of eye bags naturally and quickly you can use rose water. In addition rosewater can also treat the redness of the eyes and inflammation of the eyes as well as the benefits of sage leaves. The trick drops two or three drops of flower water on the eyes and close your eyes for a moment. Do it this way would regularly to maintain good eye health.

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5. Treat Foot Swelling

Leg swelling of course that we can not walk therefore must be treated immediately. The first treatment we can do is a natural treatment with one of them roses. The trick boiled 2-3 relationship roses, 30 grams sembung and 600 ml of water simultaneously. Drinking boiled water is within a span of two times a day for maximum effect.

6.Lowering Blood Pressure

In addition to roses that can be utilized as a drug beans on roses can provide health benefits and beauty of women that can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the human body.

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7. Eliminate odors Mouth

Bad breath problem experienced by some people of course are very disturbing problem and can cause you ostracized. To treat it, you can try the rose as a natural remedy. You do this by setting up multiple rosebud, wash the flowers to clean and soak with a glass of cold water, rock sugar to taste, and let the marinade for 1 night. The next day, strain and drink it up. Do this routine twice a week.

8. For Relaxation Early

Water roses also has relaxation benefits that aim to make ourselves into a calm and relieve the stress that is usually caused by nervous tension, psychosomatic, and heart disease. To get this relaxation effect soak yourself in a tub of warm water and sprinkle flowers taste. You can also try to take a nap if you want to relax yourself for 8 nap for health benefits one of which is for self-relaxation.

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9. Herbal tea

In addition to the drug can be used as natural health and beauty of roses can be utilized as an excellent herbal tea effects for drug therapies and stress. This is because herbal tea roses has a function as a warm drink that has a relaxing effect.

10. Generate Unique Taste In Food

Benefits roses are not widely known by people in general are water roses can be used to get a unique taste of the food. There are some foods that you can add water rose as cake Greek, Indian curry, ice cream, pudding, and Marzipan.

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11. Irregular menstruation

Benefits roses are very diverse one can treat irregular menstrual cycles as well as the benefits of mangosteen peel 42 and 13 for health benefits and side effects of avocado leaves. You do this by setting up 15 grams of roses, asoka or Siantan, and 90 grams of aloe vera. Clean up all the ingredients and boil third such material with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc of water only. Strain and drink twice a day after meals to get the maximum results and satisfactory.

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12. To strengthen Gastrointestinal

The digestive tract that had been disrupted both difficult to defecate or vice versa can be treated with roses because roses alone can eliminate wastes in the colon and small intestine of man.

13. Treat Menstrual Pain

Pain during menstruation is very disturbing women in particular when it is in everyday activities such as school or college. How to treat menstrual pain with roses is to prepare 15 grams of roses, 15 grams of leaves of the gods. Wash both the material and boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc only. Strain and drink twice a day

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16. Healthy Vagina

 Such as spa treatments typically use rose water as the main ingredient. This is because the typical fragrance of rose water and beneficial to your sex organs. 'Wash' Miss V with ripe warm water mixed with rose water.

Unique Facts about Roses

  • Cleopatra used to tease Mark Anthony uses red roses because red rose considered to be owned by Venus, the Goddess of Love.
  • Red roses are also said to be a symbol of love, while pink roses symbolize love and the white rose is the symbol of purity.
  • Gave the roses to someone has its own meaning that you have fallen in love at first sight.

The roses are the types of flowers are synonymous with love, take advantage of this interest for a spouse or lover is the best it's important to get the attention of your help.

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