Senin, 06 Juni 2016

Amazing Benefits of Fasting for Human Health

Amazing Benefits of Fasting for Human Health
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Many benefits obtained from fasting for humans. even for Muslims there is a special time that requires Muslims to fast. at such times that Muslims should not even have sex during the day it was due in order to keep your appetite and lifestyle.

in the area of Java, Indonesia populated fasting although do not Muslims. because the ancient teaching in the area of  Java also taught fasting as a condition of doing something or get something (mystical) may be in other areas of the world many are doing fasting although not Muslims, therefore, in this article I want to share the benefits of fasting for health human body.

The Benefits of Fasting for Human Health

In terms of medical studies that prove that fasting has many benefits, the following are some of the benefits of fasting:

Good For Health Heart & Vascular

Heart disease was no doubt one of the most dreaded diseases by most people in the world, especially in Indonesia with a growing number of smokers continues to increase each year of heart disease is a real threat. Fortunately, fasting has a very good for the heart, when fasting, our body turns do increase HDL and decrease LDL according to the research "chronobiological" it turns out that is healthy for the heart and blood vessels.

Psychology The Quiet Prevent Chronic Diseases

In addition to hunger and thirst, fasting also requires us anger. This makes the psychological state of a person become calmer and scientifically would reduce levels of adrenaline in the body. The lack of adrenaline will give good effects on the body such as: preventing the formation of cholesterol and bile contraction better where it can reduce the risk of vascular disease, heart and brain as coronary heart disease, stroke and others.

Mindset More Sharp & Creative

Fasting makes the mind becomes calmer and also slowed, according to the study was unique mind that this makes it work slowed more sharply. Moreover in terms of instinct, the problem of hunger is a matter of survival so normal that hunger forced us to think more sharp and creative.

This is also evidenced by a case at a group of students at the University of Chicago are asked to fast for seven days. During that time, proved that their mental alertness increased and their progress in various assignments campuses got an "REMARKABLE."

Benefits of Fasting, Sexual Performance Increases Rapidly
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Sexual Performance Increases Rapidly

A study about the relationship of fasting with virility hormone levels (testosterone), stimulants sac (FSH) and lemotin (LH) prove that fasting is true inhibit sexual desire and lowers testosterone. But this is a temporary, even after several days of fasting cycles are run precisely the production of testosterone and sexual performance have increased rapidly.

Reduce Obesity

scientifically fasting also have an impact on weight loss. By fasting intestines in the body will be cleaner than the remains of sediment food, food Deposition is that if the excess will be fat in the belly. Besides fasting also improve our digestive system, so that the circulation of food and defecation becomes more smoothly.

Abatement & Healing Mental Illness

Our brain has the function of cleaning inside. brain with the help of the cell called the "neuroglial cells". When fasting, the cells are dead or diseased neurons, will be "eaten" by this neuroglial cells, where it is likely to impact one's mental. in fact, a scientist in the field of psychiatric named Dr. Ehret stated that: "A few days of fasting will have an impact on physical health and more to get mental health, a person should undergo fasting more than 21 days.

Immune Increased

Instead limp so that it becomes easy to get sick, it turns fasting actually boost immunity. This is supported by research that even common, namely regarding: When a fast there will be an increase in lymphocytes up to 10-fold in the body, this gives a considerable influence on the immune system, so that fasting actually prevent us from various viruses from the environment outside / food was not good.

Healthy For Kidney

Kidneys filter harmful substances is everything we eat and drink, and fasting makes the kidneys more healthy, why? As renal function would be maximized if the power of osmosis urine reach 1000 to 12,000 osmosis ml / kg water, and the only way is to reduce the intake of water is when fasting.

Abatement Diabetes & Nutrition Other advantages

Obesity, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes and diseases caused by excess nutrients from the body of the other is due to excess blood sugar and cholesterol. With the fast consumption of sugar and fatty foods can be better controlled and reduced which will contribute to the return of the balance of the blood sugar and cholesterol.

Bidder Joint Pain / Rheumatism

Regular fasting will increase natural neutralizing cells in our body that will make arthritic pain slowly toward healing. One study found a correlation between the increasing ability of neutralizing cells (bacteria killing) with the improvement in arthritis causes of gout.

Neutralize Toxins

Fasting for health benefits also serve to neutralize toxins in the body. During fasting, the body will detoxify or excrete toxins from the digestive system. When the body uses fat stores to make up the energy, fat reserves to burn any harmful toxins in the body.

The balance of anabolism and catabolism

In contrast to hunger or starvation in various forms can interfere with the body's health. On the contrary, during fasting there is a balance of anabolism and catabolism that result in amino acid and a variety of other substances to help the rejuvenation of cells and their components produce blood glucose and amino acids in the blood supply throughout the day. Reserve adequate protein in the liver due to the intake of nutrients is currently open and the meal will still be able to create the conditions for the body continues to produce essential proteins such as albumin, globulin and fibrinogen. This does not happen on a long-term starvation, due to the accumulation of large amounts of fat, so the risk of liver cirrhosis. While fasting in Ramadan, liver function is still active and well.

Would not result in the acidification of the blood

Then, also in contrast to starvation, in fasting research shows amino acid is oxidized slowly and substances not increased ketones in the blood so it will not lead to acidification of the blood.

No effect on human blood cells

In the study, fasting has no effect on human blood cells and there is no difference reticulocyte count, red blood cell volume and the average concentration of hemoglobin (MCH, MCHC) compared with those who did not fast.

Benefits of Fasting on Pregnant Woman
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Influence on Pregnant and lactating mothers

There is a fast study in pregnant women, nursing mothers, and the group was not pregnant and not breastfeeding in the township Afika West. It turned out that in that study concluded there were no differences in levels of serum glucose, free fatty acids, trigliserol, ketones, beta hydroxy butyrate, alanine, insulin, glucagon, and hormone thyroxine.

Fasting influence on fertility Women (hormone virgisteron)

While the study female hormone disruption in hormone virgisteron when implementing fast. However, 80% of the study population showed a decrease in the hormone prolactin. This study shows new hope for patients with infertility or female infertility induced prolactin levels. So when fasting, she still has a great opportunity to stay in the fertile conditions.

Repair and restoration of function and performance of the cells

When the fast changes and massive conversion of the amino acids that accumulate from food, before it is distributed in the body occurs reformat. Thus, providing new opportunities bud cells to repair and restore function and performance. Fasting diet can supply fatty acids and essential amino acids when eating a meal and break the fast. Thus forming shoots of protein, fat, phosphate, cholesterol and others to build new cells and clean the fat cells that clot in the heart.

Very effective in improving the concentration of urine in the kidneys and increase urine osmotic strength

Cessation of water intake during fasting very effective in improving the concentration of urine in the kidneys and increase urine osmotic strength to reach 1000 to 12,000 osmosis ml / kg water. Under certain circumstances it would provide protection against kidney function. Water shortage in the fast turns can minimize the volume of water in the blood. This condition results in a performance boost local regulatory mechanisms of blood vessels and increase the prostaglandins, which in turn spur job function and red blood cells.

Decrease in various hormones one of the secrets of living long-term

Endocrinology research shows that diet during fasting that is rotating a burden in the assimilation of food in the body. This situation resulted in a decrease in spending digestive system hormones and insulin in large quantities. Decrease in various hormones is one of the secrets of living long-term

Helpful in the formation of sperm

Other benefits shown in research on male fertility. In the study conducted research on the hormone testosterone, prolactin, lemotin, and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), It turns out that the final results of these studies fasting conclusion beneficial in sperm formation through changes in hypothalamic-pituatari testicular hormones and the influence of both testicles.

that many of the benefits when fasting. weight? perhaps for some people keep the body from eating and drinking quite difficult, but if you learn and seek the good of fasting at the top will come to you. But it also you can learn to control your emotions in order to avoid anger and emotion.

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