Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Many Benefits of Sleep Naked, Why Still Sleep in Clothes?

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Sleep is the body literal activity that must be done every day because it helps various organs in order to get back in shape after a long day. After a day of activity, rest his body of work of various organs of the body that took a hard day. Not maybe someone can keep working without a break, because we need the current recovery of the body becomes fresh again is sleeping. Benefits of sleep outline is for the recovery of the body and a variety of other health conditions.

Sleep can be defined circumstances in which a person is unconscious and can wake by sound stimulation. Sleep is not just a situation that happens sometimes, but as characteristic activities of the activities that are common, but the lack of activity and the level of awareness varies between individuals. So in essence, as is the need to sleep eat that did occur in humans and other living beings.

Commonly Benefits of Naked while Sleep  

Everyone is need to sleep, but not everyone know about this, yes, the benefits of naked while you sleep. here they are:

Make Sleep More Soundly

Experts say in his sleep, the body requires a lower temperature of about half a degree from the normal temperature. Whereas in fact, the body experiences the highest temperatures between 11 PM to 4 AM. This will lead into a sleep soundly. Dr. Chris Idzikowski said that if in sleep there are things that interfere with the process of decrease in body temperature, then the brain will automatically wake yourself. It is certainly going to disrupt our sleep process.

Sleeping without underwear on a solution to overcome this kind of disturbance. By removing the panties, body temperature will decrease and the body will be easier to sleep soundly. Sleep tight and quality is the key to making memories to be good and productive growth hormone.

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Keeping the Weight

An American study published in the journal Diabetes revealed that the quality sleep and the cold will activate brown fat. Brown fat is a fat tissue capable of producing heat. According to Michael Symonds from the University of Nottingham, brown fat generates heat 300 times more heat than other organs. So by sleeping without panties will activate the fat. This will certainly affect the weight.

Helps the Release of Hormones

during sleep hormone oksiton will be separated when there is friction between the skin. For that when sleeping with a partner preferred not to use clothes or underwear. Friction will help the body to release hormones oksiton so the body will feel better, reduce stress, improve self-confidence, improve the sense of wellbeing and increase sexual arousal.

Relieve Pain

sleep without wearing underwear has a very good effect to relieve tension in the nervous system abdominal viscera. Benefits of sleep without wearing underwear can also increase blood circulation, reduce the risk of acute diarrheal disease, relieve back pain, and constipation in men. In addition to sleep without panties will help calm you if you experience sleep disturbances or insomnia.

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Helps Reduce Fatigue and Weakness

This is because you get quality sleep with no underwear on. With quality sleep you will feel refreshed in the morning.

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Creating a More Comfortable and Relaxed Feeling

Benefits of sleep without underwear, would be able to make themselves feel more free and comfortable. Guys sometimes feel uncomfortable with their panties that block the movement of the reproductive organs. By releasing the panties will greatly help you and make the feeling more relaxed.

Reduce Bacteria That Thrive in the Groin

Daily activities will spur the body to sweat. Usually part of the thigh is where the most sweat and part of the most saves sweat. Area sweating this will be a land tender for bacteria to grow. By releasing the panties will help reduce the growth of bacteria. If the bacteria is reduced, the rash in the groin will be reduced.

Reduce Perspiration

Avoid sweating during sleep, wearing underwear while sleeping will cause you to sweat especially those who have a rubber material, and quite tight. sweat that arise can bring itchiness even irritations that disturb your sleep comfort and reduce the beauty of your sex organs.

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Releasing Oxytocin

Oxytocin is released from the body due to skin contact with the skin during sleep together. The benefits of oxytocin is lower heart rate, lower stress levels, improve the sense of well-being of the body and gain confidence.


That is, because often you have a healthy sexual relationship then the relationship and physical health was fulfilled. Naked sleep can make lovemaking atmosphere rise, can make your relationship quality increases and you become healthier.

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Benefits of Sleep Naked For Women

the paragraph above is tell us the benefits of naked while sleep in commonly, know we talk about benefits of naked while sleep for woman, here they are:

Prevent Itching

When you feel that your vagina area itching, this may occur because of bacteria growing there. Itching this could turn into a dangerous infection if you continue to scratch it. So then there itching and infection.

The solution, so this does not happen, it helps you sleep with no underwear. So that the vaginal area dry and you do not feel itching in the vagina.

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Preventing Vaginal Infections

As mentioned above, by not using panty crotch area then you become drier. Improved air circulation which will make the bacteria causing the infection are reluctant to grow. So you can avoid vaginal infections and fungal growth.

Reducing the Risk of Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections, or UTIs occur because of the growth of bacteria in the area of ​​gender. These bacteria can grow as a result of the groin area that is damp or not clean. Then the bacteria can enter the urethra you and turn into disease UTI.

That is why you are advised to remove the underwear while sleeping. Because the study also showed that wearing underpants for 24 hours capable of causing infection.

Reducing the Odor

You often find that your vagina smell bad when you feel that during this time you are diligent enough to maintain the cleanliness of the area of ​​femininity? Maybe it helps you start off his pants in when you sleep.

This is because again when you're sleeping, vaginal area need to breathe. So if you take off the panties, then the vaginal area will be dry and odor-causing bacteria could disappear.

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Prevent Rash

The rash that appears in the groin area was annoying because it felt sore. Moreover, this rash usually difficult to recover because rubbing continue while you're walking.

Well, than you are stuck in a situation that does not charge this, then you should sleep with no underwear on. So you'll always be the groin area dry and free from rashes.

Increase Blood Circulation to Breast.

while sleeping are advised not to use the bra for bra itself is quite disturbing circulatory let alone a bra that is too tight. after a day of your breasts unfettered and lack of air because the bra, it would be better if at night you let your breasts so freely with blood circulation will return to normal without being distracted tight bra.

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Avoid Skin Irritation

Some tight bra and possible materials that make can cause irritation to your beautiful skin. So, let your clothes while sleeping.

Benefits of Sleeping Without a Bra Reducing the Potential to Cause Breast Cancer

Research is still being conducted and is still being debated. Benefits of sleeping without bra is clear the blood circulation to the breast will be disturbed when you are wearing a tight bra is believed to be one of the causes of breast cancer. So let your bra get away while you sleeping.

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Benefits of Sleep Naked for Men

we've talked about benefits of sleep naked in commonly and for woman, now let's talk about benefits of sleeping without underwear for man:

Improving the Quality of Sperm

Testicular require stable temperature to produce quality sperm. According to research experts reproduction, a nice temperature so that the testes are able to produce quality sperm ranging below 36.67 degrees Celsius or about 98 degrees Fahrenheit. And if the testicular temperature exceeds that temperature would damage the sperm morphology itself. Not using panties in a long time is the best thing to overcome these things so, people with a diagnosis of infertility or difficult to have children are strongly encouraged to do so.

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Nourish the Reproductive Organ

In men sleep without underwear can improve sperm quality, as well as the health of the reproductive organs. This is affected because of the male reproductive organs are outside the body so if it is too tight then the panties will affect the development and health of the reproductive organs.

Improve the Performance of the Sebaceous Glands

bare skin would be able to absorb more nutrients than skin dress. This helps in the metabolism rate of the body. Sleep without panties will help stimulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands and the sweat glands.

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Benefits of Sleep Without Clothes for Couple

 Not only for men and women, the benefits of use no clothes while sleeping also has many benefits for couple, here they are:

Generating a "mood" to having sex

if the husband and wife was seeing less pleasant atmosphere or equally in a state of fatigue allowing the absence of lovemaking in the evening event. With sleep naked, then whatever you are tired, certainly will not refuse to "mood" on this one.

Erotic Display

Where couples are resistant to the couple beside the condition without clothes?

Creating Desire

if the husband or wife from finding a mate is not passionate sex, so this way you can solve the problem. Invite your husband or your wife sleeping with naked. Thus, although initially there is no desire, after a few sessions to feel the touch of a couple, then it's up to you.

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Add Closely Bonding

as a result of touches skin with your partner to make you and your partner closeness automatically increase. Remember when first dating, you and your partner want every moment together and touch not.


Keeping Sex to be More Passionate

Sleep without panties will make your partner look sexier. Many of the activities in everyday life that makes the couple stress and less passionate sex. By sleeping without panties will help your partner to get that passion back. A survey in the UK proved that sleep without underwear or naked feel the passion of sex is more fun than with the couple sleeping in his pajamas or underwear. As many as 57% of couples say that by not using underwear or clothing happier than 43% of couples who sleep with clothes.

Denise Knowles, a sex therapist, said that sleep without wearing panties will make you more confident with your body shape. "You can go into open blankets and clothing. You still can touch even though you do not want to be seen. Pajamas can give the impression of "not tonight".

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