Sabtu, 11 Juni 2016

Tips to Sleep Faster and Get The Benefits of Sleep

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Sleep is a mandatory activity for humans, because during sleep the body will rest and damaged cells are replaced with new ones. From the article Sleep Like a Log has Many Benefits for Health we all know that sleep also has many benefits for human health. But not everyone can get a good night's sleep. There are various reasons that make a person sleep difficulties following tips to make your night's sleep more soundly so as reported by FoxNews (16/8).

Here are the Way to Sleep Faster:

1. Set the sleep schedule

Want to sleep more soundly? Try to sleep in the same time every night and wake up at the same time during the morning. Regular bedtime routine makes your biological clock so that you are well rested stable.

2. Make a note sleep

To help understand how your habits affect your rest, write down what you do before going to bed, what time you sleep and wake up. Thus you can keep track of what makes you sleep soundly.

3. Quit smoking

Nicotine makes you trouble sleeping. Smoking also exacerbates sleep apnea and respiratory problems that could not get a good nights rest.

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4. Your Medications

Some drugs actually cause you insomnia. Therefore consult your doctor to be able to choose a drug that does not give effect to sleep.

5. Sports

Regular exercise can improve the quality of your sleep. But do not ever exercise before bed, because it just ruin your sleep.

6. Do not drink coffee on at 2 pm

Coffee, tea and sodas contain caffeine and stimulates the brain so that you can not sleep.

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7. Writing diary

Sometimes the burden of thinking or problem you face makes you trouble sleeping. Try to write down all your frustration on the diary. That way you'll be more relaxed and easier to sleep.

8. Take time to relax

After working all day sometimes you can not go straight to bed when lying on a mattress. Give your body time to transition after conducting a series of activities for an hour before going to bed. For example, by cleansing, preparing a job the next day and so on.

9. Drinking milk

A glass of hot milk to warm the body and make it more full so you will easily sleepy.

10. Snacking on cheese and crackers

Combining carbohydrates and calcium can boost serotonin, a chemical in the brain that makes you feel calm. Enjoy the snack one hour before bedtime.

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11. Listen to a fairy tale

Yes, bedtime can make you fast asleep. You can read some books were mild and pleasant. The storyline is complex and tense it makes you difficult to sleep. Listening to relaxing music can also be an alternative.

12. The temperature is cool

Will sleep more soundly if it is in a cool room. If you are in the summer, you can sleep with a fan-less, thin clothes to feel cool.

13. Use aromatherapy

The scent of lavender, chamomile, jasmine causes relaxation and make you sleep more soundly.

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14. If menopause

During menopause, 75 percent of women suffer from hot flashes, and more than 20 percent had night sweats. Consider turning on a fan or air conditioner to cool air.

15. The neighborhood is quiet no noisy

Sleep would need tranquility. Their sound is too loud music, the sound of the television or sound of people chatting and laughing makes you distracted.

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16. Eliminate the light source

Light is too strong will make your brain stay awake so hard to sleep. We recommend that you dim the light to get a comfortable sleep.

17. Do not sleep with a pet

Many people who want to sleep with their pets. But sometimes even a few animals are active at night. For example he sniff or joggers. Of course this will disturb your sleep.

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18. Check the position of the pillow

Make sure you sleep in a perfect position, the spine and neck in a straight line to avoid stress or cramps that can prevent you to sleep.

19. Breathe deeply

This technique helps to reduce the heart rate and blood pressure, releases endorphins and relaxes your body.

20. Fixed lie even insomnia

Lying down with her eyes closed encourage you to be more relaxed, calm and eliminate stress. If you can not sleep, do not even grumble. Allow your body to lie still and close your eyes. Eventually you will be asleep.

Those all the way that you can try to sleep faster. So, Good night's sleep like a baby is not a difficult thing right guys?

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