Selasa, 17 Mei 2016

Hey Look, Sleep Like a Log has Many Benefits for Health

Hey Look, Sleep Like a Log has Many Benefits for Health. So Don't forget to Sleep
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Hey Look, Sleep Like a Log has Many Benefits for Health. So Don't forget to Sleep - As it is known that sleep is one of the main supporters factor for health of the body because the body needs a break after doing various activities.

The benefits of sleep impact on daily life. When it became clear that quality sleep is very helpful, there are still many people who do not realize how much sleep your body needs and why sleep is very important.

Sleeping with enough to make health are well preserved to restore the mood and avoid the black eye bags or panda eyes and various other health problems.

Sleeping with quite an important thing in adopting a healthy lifestyle and can be beneficial for your heart, weight, mind and there are many more benefits of sleep a night with fairly.

Sleep Benefits For Health

Below are some of the benefits of sleep at night with fairly. As reported from various sources. Consider the full description!

1.) Improve Memory

If you sleep only briefly then the mind will be too busy to think of many things that have been and will you absorb. As it is known that the brain during sleep the body will strengthen the memory of something that you will learn.

If you want to try to learn something, whether it was something related to the physical or mental then of course learn a way to practice it.

However, if the body to sleep well then you will learn something that becomes easier. In other words, when they want to learn something new, for example learn new tennis playing techniques, the body will have a better performance after sleep enough.

2.) Longevity

Too much sleep or too briefly when sleep associated with a shorter lifespan. Although not known for sure whether the cause or effect of the sleep duration for the disease also affect sleep patterns.

Research has been done on women at age 50 years to 79 years were carried out in 2010 showed that more deaths occurred in women who sleep less than 5 hours or more briefly each night.

3.) Affect Quality of Life

Sleep is a lifestyle that must be done every day with enough, besides healthy sleep patterns should also be waged every day. Maybe out there are still many who think lightly about bedtime, but in fact it can not be denied that if a person can sleep well then that person must feel a better life.

4.) Prevent Inflammation

Inflammation is a health problem that is still associated with arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, premature aging and even stroke. Research shows that people who sleep less than six hours each night then the levels of inflammatory proteins in the blood is higher when compared with those who had enough sleep.

Studies conducted in 2010 also showed that people who have an habit of sleeping less than six hours a night or less had a C-reactive protein is associated with risk of heart attack.

Hey Look, Sleep Like a Log has Many Benefits for Health.
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5.) Encourage Creativity

Getting enough sleep also, not only can strengthen memory, but also can improve memory so as to be better even gives a lot of creativity. According to research from Harvard University and Boston College showed that when a person sleeps, the emotional component of the memory can be strengthened so as to encourage a person to be more creative.

6.) Get Fit

There is no doubt that people who have a good quality sleep, will have a body that looks fitter. In fact, research conducted by Stanford University showed bring the football players took universities to create and enhance their sprint time after trying to sleep at least 10 hours each night for 7 to 8 weeks. In addition, do not feel tired when the day and have more stamina to perform various activities.

7.) Increase the Value of Academic

Most children to adolescents who have problems in sleeping disorders eg insomnia, snoring and other sleep disorders types will be more likely to have problems when they learn. sleep-deprived students with sufficient time has a value that is less good when compared with those who had enough sleep. Usually the majority of children or adolescents are willing to take their bedtime to meet learning targets but certainly less sleep also obviously be disturbing when the learning process lasts.

8.) Have a Healthy Weight

If you want to get the ideal body weight or are doing a diet do not forget to always maintain the quality of your sleep. According research conducted at the University of Chicago people who go on a diet and have a good quality sleep could be more likely to lose fat 56% of their body weight while for people who sleep less experienced muscle loss period. The study also mentions that when the lack of sleep, the body will find it easier hungry.

9.) Spared the stress

Sleep and stress are two things that are still in touch, and both can affect heart health. With enough sleep can reduce stress levels, well if that so then one would be easier to control his blood pressure to be better. In addition to sleep is also believed to still something to do with the level of cholesterol in the body.

10.) Avoid Accidents

Research in 2009 The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration revealed that lack of sleep is the largest contributor of accidents experienced a single car caused by human error, even a cause higher than the influence alcohol.

Many people consider sleepiness can be dangerous especially when were driving a private vehicle, if lack of sleep will affect the reaction and decision making when driving. Despite the lack of sleep just one night, someone steering capabilities will be affected due to lack of concentration.

Sleep Like a Log has Many Benefits for Health. So Don't forget to Sleep
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11.) Eliminate Depression

Not only stress, lack of sleep can cause people affected by depression. With a quality night's sleep can decrease the level of anxiety and emotions will be more stable, so you will not easily get angry and can improve mood for the better.


Above is an article about the benefits of Simply Sleep Tonight, hopefully we can add information knowledge about healthy sleep patterns and better.

Sleep is a lifestyle that must be done every day with a good and true for the body to 'deduct' back energy in order to move back in tomorrow. The body should be rested every day, because I could not sleep the previous time gathered together and performed on Sundays all day.

Health need to balance various factors and therefore a healthy lifestyle becomes the most important thing in maintaining health, including a healthy sleep pattern as well of course.

As much as possible so that you can sleep soundly, you should avoid intake of caffeine in the afternoon until the evening because it can interfere with your sleep, make sure that you use the bed comfortable and clean. And do not forget to turn off the lights when you sleep.

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