WOW this is the GREAT Benefits and Recipes of Leucaena Leucocephala

09.13 Add Comment
Benefits and Recipes of Leucaena Leucocephala
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Lamtoro also known as Pette China  that has scientific name leucaena leucocephala. Lamtoro(leucaena leucocephala) included in the legume family is bad you know it feels, but most people are less like it because it smells rather pungent. Other benefits of Lamtoro(leucaena leucocephala) is a tree afforestation is to keep soil erosion to prevent flooding and landslides. Lamtoro trees planted on the outskirts of home background as a shade tree and the timber is to be used as firewood for the villagers. Not only seeds that can be consumed lamtoro tips of the leaves are still easy too often used as ointment-ointment that taste good. The origin of lamtoro thought to originate from tropical America and were brought and planted in Java land hundreds of years ago is now finally lamtoro or banana tree or plandingan china is spread all over this country.

As well as the benefits and efficacy of Leucaena leucocephala, that the leaves and seeds lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) contains many nutrients that are beneficial to our bodies know. Especially the chemical content lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) wholesome, they are rich in protein, fat, calcium, iron, phosphorus, mimosin, leukanin and many also contain vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin C. Leucaena is a plant that can grow quickly, so widely planted in teak forests to distraction, the goal for teak trees grow tall vying straight up to get enough sunlight.

The leaves and seeds lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) contains many nutrients that beneficial for human health, so that today this plant is widely used as a material for drugs both chemical and herbal medicine. Each leaves and seeds contain nutrients that are important diataranya consider the following.

Nutritional content of Lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala)

The content of Lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) buds

The content of lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) in every 100 grams is the energy content of 128kkl, the carbohydrate content of 12.4 grams, a protein content of 12 grams, the fat content of 6.5 grams, the iron content of 3.0 grams, phosphorus content of 100 milligrams, calcium content of 1,500 milligrams, have the vitamin A content of 17800 UI, at 0:04 milligrams of vitamin B1, and its vitamin C is 64 milligrams.

The content of Lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) seeds

The content of seeds lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) in every 100 grams is the energy content of 85kkl, the carbohydrate content of 15.4 g, protein 5.7 g, fat 0.3 g, the iron content of 3.0 grams, phosphorus content of 53 milligrams, the content of 180 milligrams of calcium, have the vitamin A content of 423 UI, at 0:08 milligrams of vitamin B1, and its vitamin C is 15 milligrams.

Benefits and efficacy lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala)

Benefits of Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) seeds to Treat diabetes
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Benefits of Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) seeds to Treat diabetes

Ingredients: Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) seeds thats old and dry;
How to make:
1. dry fried and mashed it (make it powder).
2. take a spoon of Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) powder and brew it with boiled water.
How to Use:
drink Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) potion a cup daily.

Benefits of Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) seeds to Treat dysentery

how to make:
1. 15 grams of seeds and mixed with 30 g Krokot (Portulaca)
2. boil it with 300ml till left only a half of it.
3. then strain
how to use:
drink the water in the morning and afternoon.

Benefits of Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) seeds to Treating inflammation of the kidneys

how to make:
1. Put 3-5 seeds of Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) in a cup of hot boiled water.
2. Wait that potion of Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) till warm.
how to use:
Then drink the water and do 3 times a day.

Treat intestinal worms

Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) are highly trusted to treat intestinal worms. here are the way to make Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) as wormy remedy.
Ingredients: Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) seeds thats old and dry;
How to make:
1. dry fried and mashed it (make it powder).
2. take 6 grams of Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) powder and brew it with approximately 100cc boiled water.
How to Use:
drink it when you wanna go to sleep.

Treating imsomia

how to make:
1. 15 grams of seeds and 5 grams leaves of Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala)
2. boil it with 300ml till left only a half of it.
3. then strain
how to use:
Drink the water in the a glass of it once in 3 days.

To smooth the skin
how to use:
rub the leaves Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) up out of the sap to the skin when bathing, then let it for a moment and then clean it with clean water.

Benefits and Recipes of Leucaena Leucocephala to Improve sex drive
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Benefits and Recipes of Leucaena Leucocephala to Improve sex drive

1. a tablespoon of Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala)
2. a tablespoon black pepper
3. 2 eggs
how to make:
1. raw egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of honey;
2. mix all of them thoroughly
How to Use:
Drink it in 5 hours before having sex.

New wounds and swelling

Ingredients: Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) leaves
How to Make: finely mashed it
How to Use: affixed to the part that cuts/ swelling

Punctured with something but cannot expelled easily

Ingredients: Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) buds.
Method: mashed Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala).
How to Use: put on the affected part, then
wrapped with cloth bandages.

That are the Benefits and recipes of Lamtoro(Leucaena leucocephala) for human health. hopefully this articles would give you many benefits and keep your body healthy.



WOW, This is the Myths About Alcohols Benefits For Skin

03.10 Add Comment
Myths About Alcohols Benefits For Skin
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Most people never, or even are experiencing some facial problems such as acne, black spot, stains on the face, and so forth. You must agree that all issues are very disturbing to your appearance. For example, your face will not look attractive when acne appears on the surface. Moreover, any skin problems will reduce the confidence, so most people want to find the right solution for every problem you face appearing skin. Some of you may know that alcohol is often said to be the right solution for some skin problems like acne. Even so, whether these claims are true?This article seeks offers some answers regarding the claim.

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Myths About Alcohols Benefits For Skin

Let's start with some facts myths, particularly those associated with alcohol benefits for the skin:
• Alcohol may help you eradicate acne. Even so, you need to know that you can use it to eradicate pimples that grow on the back, and not growing in your face.

• Some people say that they have benefited from the alcohol used as an acne medication, facial skin became lighter and all the dirt on the face lifted. Is that right? Apparently not, because alcohol tends to absorb moisture. If used too often, then your skin will look dry.

• Indeed, some acne medications may contain isopropyl alcohol, but not always useful for many people, especially those who have skin sensitivity level is high. If you've already bought such drugs, then you should do test first. Try the drug in a small area around your face, and make sure the reactions that occur after use.

• Instead of using alcohol to clean your face, it would be much better if you choose cleanser¬water-based. These products help reduce acne in a more effective and without side effects.

• Materials such as alcohol can make your face blush. These cases often occur in those who have sensitive facial skin. Hence immediately reduce the use of cosmetics containing alcohol if it actually makes your skin burning.
Alcohols Benefits For Skin
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Alcohol: it is not recommended for facial care

See the above facts, it seems we do not need to believe in the myth that alcohol is very beneficial for the skin. So, for those of you who want skin that glows with how to care for using a particular product, avoid buying cosmetic products or cleaners containing alcohol. This is very important especially for those who have sensitive skin (or even hyper-sensitive). Tips washing your face: wash your face with warm water, then take a bit of face soap that not contained of alcohol. Wipe the soap slowly and evenly throughout the face, and when you're done immediately rinse your face with cool, clean water.

If you are diligent in using cleaner, then choose cleaners that smell fragrant. But it must be remembered that you need to be careful, because some scented facial cleanser that contains alcohol. Therefore, the owner of sensitive skin and dry face is not recommended selecting a facial cleanser containing alcohol. Choose a cleanser made from natural, not chemical like alcohol. In addition, alcohol-based cleaners also can trigger severe allergic. We believe that there are natural ingredients are better than alcohol, which can be used to make your face more attractive and free of problems.

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GREAT. This is Benefits of Sunbath for Healthy life

19.28 Add Comment


Sunbathing Helps reduce fat
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Helps the production of vitamin D3

Benefits of Sunlight is necessary for our bodies to make vitamin D3. UVB from sunlight interact with the cholesterol in our skin, which brings together the process for making vitamin D from our kidney and liver. Even this would not have happened without the help of sunlight.

Fact Sunlight and Vitamin D3:

  • Bask under the sun with exposed skin is very necessary for the health of between 20-30 minutes at least three or four times a week.
  • Glass windows and the windshield can block UVB rays, but no filter is tantamount to letting that can be harmful UVA rays hit our skin. It is an irony that most sunscreens block UVB rays well, thus inhibiting production of vitamin D3.
  • Vitamin D3 is a pre-hormone that has many functions for health. Production of Vitamin D3 from sunlight in the body has its own mechanism, so that we would not be possible excess vitamin D in spite of prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  • To get vitamin D3 in addition to the sun can from supplements (could be at risk of excess), and UVB tanning beds.
  • Vitamin D is needed to help the body absorb minerals, such as calcium to build strong bones and teeth. This vitamin also functions as a hormone that is essential to carry out a lot of other work in the body, including the immune system health, insulin production and regulation of cell growth.

Help Cure Cancer

Basking in the sun on a daily basis related to the famous Budwig Diet to cure cancer. Electromagnetic contribution from sunlight is said to be helping elements in successful cancer treatment diet.

Easy depression and understaffed

In people who have not been exposed to the sun found a lot of depression, called the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). In addition to having the feeling gloomy, people may also experience lack of energy. However, it could be restored within a certain period of time using light spectra of light or blue light that mimics sunlight.

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Increase your metabolism

A substance in the body called melatin, which may convert sunlight into metabolic energy. There is research that shows this.

Sunbathing Helps reduce fat
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Sunbathing Helps reduce fat

A dermatology study in 2011 showed that exposure to sunlight helps burn subcutaneous fat , and sometimes can affect the health of a bad heart. However, no direct sunlight also helps to reduce visceral fat. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with the production of a higher visceral fat, which is known to lead to obesity and disease that followed, including diabetes and cardiovascular problems such as heart disease and high blood pressure.

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Reduce the use of pain medication

Exposure to sunlight is found to reduce the use of pain medication, stress, and anxiety among patients postoperatively at one hospital who conducted this study in 2005.

Increase alertness at night

A neuroscience study conducted in 2012 showed that those who get six hours of sunlight each day has more vigilance at night.

Health Benefits of Sunlight for Babies
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Health Benefits of Sunlight for Babies

Sunbathing in the morning has many benefits for baby and children. However, the benefit of sunshine was limited from 7-9 o'clock. Some of these benefits include:
  • Preventing babies have jaundice due to lack of sunlight.
  • Sunlight helps the body to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D is formed of cholesterol the body by ultraviolet rays that can only be obtained from sunlight.
  • Help reduce boredom or depression. Baby is getting enough sunlight rarely fend for sun exposure hormone releasing endorphins in the body. endorphin is an antidepressant hormones.
Although the morning sun has many benefits, you need to know how to optimize the benefits:
  • Don't let your baby get sunlight for too long because apart from the baby's skin is very sensitive, it can also result in the baby overheat and lose more body fluid.
  • Quite drying for 15 minutes. After that, move the baby to the shade, give milk or water, then let it bask again for 15 minutes, and give milk again. So, you can simply hang a baby for 30 minutes at the day.So sure your baby gets enough sunlight every day.

Luckily for you who live in countries with a tropical climate so that every day can enjoy the benefits of the sun by always taking a little time to bask in the morning.

Awesome Benefits of Earthworm For Human Health.

06.09 Add Comment
Awesome Benefits of Earrthworm For Human Health.
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The benefits of earthworms - For some people, especially women, earthworms may be one kind of disgusting animal, but for farmers earthworm is a friend because he will assist in breaking up the soil so that the soil becomes fertile. But she certainly will soon change his mind if they know the real earthworms also have benefits in the field of beauty. But more than that turned out to earthworms also have tremendous benefits in curing various diseases and to maintain health.

Benefits Earthworm

Earthworm species Lumbricus Rubellus an earthworm who belongs to the group of invertebrate animals or do not have a backbone. Based on the experts, the earthworm has a protein content that is quite high around 76%, even higher levels Compared to the mammalian meat or fish. Some studies have also found many earthworms if it is antibacterial and even able to inhibit the growth of some harmful bacteria such as Salmonella Thyposa, Staphylococus aureus, Shigella Dysenterica and still many more.

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Here are some advantages of earthworm that we can be if we consume:

Earthworm Typhoid Disease Drugs

Maybe earthworms are animals of the most popular among people suffering from typhoid, typhus treatment because it is using earthworms boiled or worm capsule powder has been proven to cure many Thyposa Salmonella bacteria.

Earthworm Benefits For Diarrhea

On this rainy season especially areas that are often flooded, then it will be very fast diarrheal disease endemic in society. These earthworms and you can use as a traditional medicine to cure diarrhea that hit. This is due to earthworms are their antibacterial against Escherichia coli and shigella bacteria which is the cause of this disease.

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Earthworm Drug blood circulation

The next benefits of earthworms is to destroy the bad fats found in the blood vessels. With this ability, indirectly it will launch the circulatory system in your body. so no wonder if earthworms are also often used to treat people affected by hypertension or stroke.

Earthworms drugs to lower fever

Earthworms have antipyretic properties. In earthworm extract nitrogenous bases can be trusted as a medication to reduce fever in certain types of diseases such as typhoid.

Earthworm Benefits for Treat Digestion
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Earthworm Benefits for Treat Digestion

In earthworms there are several enzyme, catalase and cellulose that is needed when the body's metabolic processes. Thus indirectly, earthworms can also serve to aid digestion.

Earthworm Drugs To improve energy

Turin existence of content contained on earthworms, has been shown to increase fat metabolism, which is certainly the metabolism of the fat will be energy.

Earthworm Drugs To accelerate the wound healing, since earthworms can accelerate the creation of new cells.

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Earthworm Drugs To solve the problem of beauty

In addition to health problems, it turns out the benefits of earthworms also be used to address various issues of beauty. One is to maintain skin elasticity and to slow the aging process. So it is not surprising that the earthworms are often supplied to cosmetic companies.

Even some beauty experts also recommend extract of earthworms to cope with wrinkled skin by using it as a mask for the face.

Many Benefits of Sleep Naked, Why Still Sleep in Clothes?

03.09 Add Comment

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Sleep is the body literal activity that must be done every day because it helps various organs in order to get back in shape after a long day. After a day of activity, rest his body of work of various organs of the body that took a hard day. Not maybe someone can keep working without a break, because we need the current recovery of the body becomes fresh again is sleeping. Benefits of sleep outline is for the recovery of the body and a variety of other health conditions.

Sleep can be defined circumstances in which a person is unconscious and can wake by sound stimulation. Sleep is not just a situation that happens sometimes, but as characteristic activities of the activities that are common, but the lack of activity and the level of awareness varies between individuals. So in essence, as is the need to sleep eat that did occur in humans and other living beings.

Commonly Benefits of Naked while Sleep  

Everyone is need to sleep, but not everyone know about this, yes, the benefits of naked while you sleep. here they are:

Make Sleep More Soundly

Experts say in his sleep, the body requires a lower temperature of about half a degree from the normal temperature. Whereas in fact, the body experiences the highest temperatures between 11 PM to 4 AM. This will lead into a sleep soundly. Dr. Chris Idzikowski said that if in sleep there are things that interfere with the process of decrease in body temperature, then the brain will automatically wake yourself. It is certainly going to disrupt our sleep process.

Sleeping without underwear on a solution to overcome this kind of disturbance. By removing the panties, body temperature will decrease and the body will be easier to sleep soundly. Sleep tight and quality is the key to making memories to be good and productive growth hormone.

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Keeping the Weight

An American study published in the journal Diabetes revealed that the quality sleep and the cold will activate brown fat. Brown fat is a fat tissue capable of producing heat. According to Michael Symonds from the University of Nottingham, brown fat generates heat 300 times more heat than other organs. So by sleeping without panties will activate the fat. This will certainly affect the weight.

Helps the Release of Hormones

during sleep hormone oksiton will be separated when there is friction between the skin. For that when sleeping with a partner preferred not to use clothes or underwear. Friction will help the body to release hormones oksiton so the body will feel better, reduce stress, improve self-confidence, improve the sense of wellbeing and increase sexual arousal.

Relieve Pain

sleep without wearing underwear has a very good effect to relieve tension in the nervous system abdominal viscera. Benefits of sleep without wearing underwear can also increase blood circulation, reduce the risk of acute diarrheal disease, relieve back pain, and constipation in men. In addition to sleep without panties will help calm you if you experience sleep disturbances or insomnia.

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Helps Reduce Fatigue and Weakness

This is because you get quality sleep with no underwear on. With quality sleep you will feel refreshed in the morning.

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Creating a More Comfortable and Relaxed Feeling

Benefits of sleep without underwear, would be able to make themselves feel more free and comfortable. Guys sometimes feel uncomfortable with their panties that block the movement of the reproductive organs. By releasing the panties will greatly help you and make the feeling more relaxed.

Reduce Bacteria That Thrive in the Groin

Daily activities will spur the body to sweat. Usually part of the thigh is where the most sweat and part of the most saves sweat. Area sweating this will be a land tender for bacteria to grow. By releasing the panties will help reduce the growth of bacteria. If the bacteria is reduced, the rash in the groin will be reduced.

Reduce Perspiration

Avoid sweating during sleep, wearing underwear while sleeping will cause you to sweat especially those who have a rubber material, and quite tight. sweat that arise can bring itchiness even irritations that disturb your sleep comfort and reduce the beauty of your sex organs.

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Releasing Oxytocin

Oxytocin is released from the body due to skin contact with the skin during sleep together. The benefits of oxytocin is lower heart rate, lower stress levels, improve the sense of well-being of the body and gain confidence.


That is, because often you have a healthy sexual relationship then the relationship and physical health was fulfilled. Naked sleep can make lovemaking atmosphere rise, can make your relationship quality increases and you become healthier.

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Benefits of Sleep Naked For Women

the paragraph above is tell us the benefits of naked while sleep in commonly, know we talk about benefits of naked while sleep for woman, here they are:

Prevent Itching

When you feel that your vagina area itching, this may occur because of bacteria growing there. Itching this could turn into a dangerous infection if you continue to scratch it. So then there itching and infection.

The solution, so this does not happen, it helps you sleep with no underwear. So that the vaginal area dry and you do not feel itching in the vagina.

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Preventing Vaginal Infections

As mentioned above, by not using panty crotch area then you become drier. Improved air circulation which will make the bacteria causing the infection are reluctant to grow. So you can avoid vaginal infections and fungal growth.

Reducing the Risk of Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections, or UTIs occur because of the growth of bacteria in the area of ​​gender. These bacteria can grow as a result of the groin area that is damp or not clean. Then the bacteria can enter the urethra you and turn into disease UTI.

That is why you are advised to remove the underwear while sleeping. Because the study also showed that wearing underpants for 24 hours capable of causing infection.

Reducing the Odor

You often find that your vagina smell bad when you feel that during this time you are diligent enough to maintain the cleanliness of the area of ​​femininity? Maybe it helps you start off his pants in when you sleep.

This is because again when you're sleeping, vaginal area need to breathe. So if you take off the panties, then the vaginal area will be dry and odor-causing bacteria could disappear.

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Prevent Rash

The rash that appears in the groin area was annoying because it felt sore. Moreover, this rash usually difficult to recover because rubbing continue while you're walking.

Well, than you are stuck in a situation that does not charge this, then you should sleep with no underwear on. So you'll always be the groin area dry and free from rashes.

Increase Blood Circulation to Breast.

while sleeping are advised not to use the bra for bra itself is quite disturbing circulatory let alone a bra that is too tight. after a day of your breasts unfettered and lack of air because the bra, it would be better if at night you let your breasts so freely with blood circulation will return to normal without being distracted tight bra.

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Avoid Skin Irritation

Some tight bra and possible materials that make can cause irritation to your beautiful skin. So, let your clothes while sleeping.

Benefits of Sleeping Without a Bra Reducing the Potential to Cause Breast Cancer

Research is still being conducted and is still being debated. Benefits of sleeping without bra is clear the blood circulation to the breast will be disturbed when you are wearing a tight bra is believed to be one of the causes of breast cancer. So let your bra get away while you sleeping.

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Benefits of Sleep Naked for Men

we've talked about benefits of sleep naked in commonly and for woman, now let's talk about benefits of sleeping without underwear for man:

Improving the Quality of Sperm

Testicular require stable temperature to produce quality sperm. According to research experts reproduction, a nice temperature so that the testes are able to produce quality sperm ranging below 36.67 degrees Celsius or about 98 degrees Fahrenheit. And if the testicular temperature exceeds that temperature would damage the sperm morphology itself. Not using panties in a long time is the best thing to overcome these things so, people with a diagnosis of infertility or difficult to have children are strongly encouraged to do so.

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Nourish the Reproductive Organ

In men sleep without underwear can improve sperm quality, as well as the health of the reproductive organs. This is affected because of the male reproductive organs are outside the body so if it is too tight then the panties will affect the development and health of the reproductive organs.

Improve the Performance of the Sebaceous Glands

bare skin would be able to absorb more nutrients than skin dress. This helps in the metabolism rate of the body. Sleep without panties will help stimulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands and the sweat glands.

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Benefits of Sleep Without Clothes for Couple

 Not only for men and women, the benefits of use no clothes while sleeping also has many benefits for couple, here they are:

Generating a "mood" to having sex

if the husband and wife was seeing less pleasant atmosphere or equally in a state of fatigue allowing the absence of lovemaking in the evening event. With sleep naked, then whatever you are tired, certainly will not refuse to "mood" on this one.

Erotic Display

Where couples are resistant to the couple beside the condition without clothes?

Creating Desire

if the husband or wife from finding a mate is not passionate sex, so this way you can solve the problem. Invite your husband or your wife sleeping with naked. Thus, although initially there is no desire, after a few sessions to feel the touch of a couple, then it's up to you.

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Add Closely Bonding

as a result of touches skin with your partner to make you and your partner closeness automatically increase. Remember when first dating, you and your partner want every moment together and touch not.


Keeping Sex to be More Passionate

Sleep without panties will make your partner look sexier. Many of the activities in everyday life that makes the couple stress and less passionate sex. By sleeping without panties will help your partner to get that passion back. A survey in the UK proved that sleep without underwear or naked feel the passion of sex is more fun than with the couple sleeping in his pajamas or underwear. As many as 57% of couples say that by not using underwear or clothing happier than 43% of couples who sleep with clothes.

Denise Knowles, a sex therapist, said that sleep without wearing panties will make you more confident with your body shape. "You can go into open blankets and clothing. You still can touch even though you do not want to be seen. Pajamas can give the impression of "not tonight".

Tips and Recipes to get Benefits of Honey for Beauty Skin

18.42 Add Comment
Tips and Recipes to get Benefits of Honey for Beauty Skin

We all know that honey has many benefits for beauty and want to have a glowing skin and perfect. However, in contemporary times it seems hard to have beautiful skin like divas. This is because pollution environment, as well as unhealthy foods. Women are most visible to invest in beauty products, in order to have acne free skin, to change the color of the skin, and eliminate wrinkles

It's important to note that many cosmetic products that can actually damage the skin, it is because of its chemical content beyond safety standards. Try to use natural ingredients to restore damaged skin, as well as to give a glowing skin and look younger. Thus, you can make your own natural face pack their own home by using honey. It is very effective, has no side effects, and has many benefits for beauty. Keep in mind that honey is one of the materials most widely used in a wide variety of beauty care products.

Benefits of Honey on Skin:

  • Honey is a natural antioxidant, which protects the skin from sun damage and rejuvenate it.
  • Honey has moisturizing properties that help to attract water and maintain it, making it ideal as a moisturizer and a cleaning agent.
  • Honey will help the formation of collagen, so they can treat scars.
  • Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, therefore honey can help treat cuts or abrasions, and can prevent degenerative processes in the skin.
  • Honey can help to a lot of problems on the skin, as well as providing benefits for the long term.

Here are tips on How to Use the Honey for Skin and Faces Beauty

Honey for Beauty Care:

Honey as a cleaner: People who have severe acne problems and dry skin can use honey as a cleanser. Mix honey with warm water and use to wash your face. Massage your skin for a few minutes, or leave it for a while before cleansed and moisturised.

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Honey has no side effects and heal the skin faster.

Honey with Raw Milk: Mix honey and raw milk, then let stand for some time. Keep in mind, exfoliate (rub) your skin before washing (preferably with warm water), before you apply any face pack.

Honey has no side effects and heal the skin faster.
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Honey for facial scrubs:

Using honey to scrub the face is not complicated. Here are two methods that you can try:

Pack 1: Honey with almonds and lemon juice: Mix 1 tablespoon honey with 2 tablespoons finely ground almonds, and add ½ teaspoon lemon juice.
Use this scrub gently and then rinse with warm water after completion.

Pack 2: Honey with sea salt or sugar: Take 3 tablespoons of honey and mix with ½ teaspoon sea salt or sugar. Massage your face, then wash it off with warm water.

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Honey as a face wash:

Mix honey with milk / rose water, add a bit of sandalwood powder and turmeric powder. This mixture has proven effective as a face wash.

Face Pack Honey

Honey face mask can be combined with many different ingredients to get the desired results. Below FEW recipes that you can try to make at home:

For acne prone skin

Pack 1: Honey with lemon: This is an excellent face pack, which helps dry acne, and acne scars fade blemishes on the skin. Honey is moisturizing and can stop the formation of new acne. First, wash your face, then apply this pack and let it remain for 20 minutes before you wash and moisten.

Pack 2: Honey with sandalwood powder: Prepare honey, lemon juice and add sandalwood powder. Apply to face, let sit for at least 30 minutes and wash it off with warm water.

Pack 3: Honey and wheat: Apply a mixture of wheat and honey, then let it dry. Before washing, wet first and then rub with a kind and gentle on the skin with acne. Pack also serves as a scrub.

Honey's Benefits For oily skin
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Honey's For oily skin

Honey with cold milk and grated cucumber: Mix honey with cold milk and grated cucumber. Apply on face for ten minutes before rinsing with warm water.

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For skin that is clean

Pack 1: Honey with glycerin and turmeric: Prepare 1sdm honey, a pinch of turmeric and some glycerin. Apply it on your face and wash it after it dries (20 minutes). This is a homemade facepack for brighter skin. Turmeric is useful as an antiseptic, and avoid ingredients that can cause allergic reactions.

Pack 2: Honey and Tomato: Mix honey and tomatoes to make a thick paste. Apply this paste on your skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The tomatoes also helps whiten, so it will give skin that looks clean.

Pack 3: Honey and Banana: To obtain a glowing face and reduces smudges on the face, use a ripe banana. Ripe banana mash, mixed with a few tablespoons of honey, massage on your skin, then wash off with warm water.

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For Brightening Skin

Honey and Papaya: Take ripe papaya pulp and made into a smooth, then add a tablespoon of honey. Apply this mask on your face every day to get a clear skin.

For dry skin care

Pack 1: Honey and Milk Raw: This package also helps to fade dark spots and moisturize the skin. Mix honey and raw milk, massage on the face, then wash your face thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Pack 2: Honey and Avocado: Avocado Puree cooked, add 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of single cream. Apply to face, leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Honey For anti-aging skin
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Honey For anti-aging skin

Pack 1: Honey, wheat, yoghurt and fennel
Mix 3 tablespoons each of honey, oats, yoghurt and fennel seeds. Apply on face and leave it for a while, then wash off with warm water.

Pack 2: Honey and Onion Juice: Mix honey with onion juice, apply on face and wash off after a while. This mixture will serve to treat premature wrinkling.

Pack 3: Honey and eggs: Mix honey and one egg to help tighten your skin. Use consistently for at least 3 weeks to get the maximum results. And avoid stress, and try to get enough sleep every day.

To moisturize and control acne:

Mix 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tbsp milk, 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder and a half tablespoons of lemon juice. Apply it on your face, let it dry for 25-30 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Honey and helpful milk moisturizes the skin, while lemon and turmeric help control acne and prevent coming back.

For Skin Rejuvenation

Mix 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon egg white and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Then Apply on the face, and let stand for 10 minutes before washing your face with warm water.

Tips to Sleep Faster and Get The Benefits of Sleep

06.31 Add Comment

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Sleep is a mandatory activity for humans, because during sleep the body will rest and damaged cells are replaced with new ones. From the article Sleep Like a Log has Many Benefits for Health we all know that sleep also has many benefits for human health. But not everyone can get a good night's sleep. There are various reasons that make a person sleep difficulties following tips to make your night's sleep more soundly so as reported by FoxNews (16/8).

Here are the Way to Sleep Faster:

1. Set the sleep schedule

Want to sleep more soundly? Try to sleep in the same time every night and wake up at the same time during the morning. Regular bedtime routine makes your biological clock so that you are well rested stable.

2. Make a note sleep

To help understand how your habits affect your rest, write down what you do before going to bed, what time you sleep and wake up. Thus you can keep track of what makes you sleep soundly.

3. Quit smoking

Nicotine makes you trouble sleeping. Smoking also exacerbates sleep apnea and respiratory problems that could not get a good nights rest.

Read Also: Unexpexted 4 Benefits of Pine Tree Reduce Stress

4. Your Medications

Some drugs actually cause you insomnia. Therefore consult your doctor to be able to choose a drug that does not give effect to sleep.

5. Sports

Regular exercise can improve the quality of your sleep. But do not ever exercise before bed, because it just ruin your sleep.

6. Do not drink coffee on at 2 pm

Coffee, tea and sodas contain caffeine and stimulates the brain so that you can not sleep.

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7. Writing diary

Sometimes the burden of thinking or problem you face makes you trouble sleeping. Try to write down all your frustration on the diary. That way you'll be more relaxed and easier to sleep.

8. Take time to relax

After working all day sometimes you can not go straight to bed when lying on a mattress. Give your body time to transition after conducting a series of activities for an hour before going to bed. For example, by cleansing, preparing a job the next day and so on.

9. Drinking milk

A glass of hot milk to warm the body and make it more full so you will easily sleepy.

10. Snacking on cheese and crackers

Combining carbohydrates and calcium can boost serotonin, a chemical in the brain that makes you feel calm. Enjoy the snack one hour before bedtime.

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11. Listen to a fairy tale

Yes, bedtime can make you fast asleep. You can read some books were mild and pleasant. The storyline is complex and tense it makes you difficult to sleep. Listening to relaxing music can also be an alternative.

12. The temperature is cool

Will sleep more soundly if it is in a cool room. If you are in the summer, you can sleep with a fan-less, thin clothes to feel cool.

13. Use aromatherapy

The scent of lavender, chamomile, jasmine causes relaxation and make you sleep more soundly.

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14. If menopause

During menopause, 75 percent of women suffer from hot flashes, and more than 20 percent had night sweats. Consider turning on a fan or air conditioner to cool air.

15. The neighborhood is quiet no noisy

Sleep would need tranquility. Their sound is too loud music, the sound of the television or sound of people chatting and laughing makes you distracted.

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16. Eliminate the light source

Light is too strong will make your brain stay awake so hard to sleep. We recommend that you dim the light to get a comfortable sleep.

17. Do not sleep with a pet

Many people who want to sleep with their pets. But sometimes even a few animals are active at night. For example he sniff or joggers. Of course this will disturb your sleep.

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18. Check the position of the pillow

Make sure you sleep in a perfect position, the spine and neck in a straight line to avoid stress or cramps that can prevent you to sleep.

19. Breathe deeply

This technique helps to reduce the heart rate and blood pressure, releases endorphins and relaxes your body.

20. Fixed lie even insomnia

Lying down with her eyes closed encourage you to be more relaxed, calm and eliminate stress. If you can not sleep, do not even grumble. Allow your body to lie still and close your eyes. Eventually you will be asleep.

Those all the way that you can try to sleep faster. So, Good night's sleep like a baby is not a difficult thing right guys?

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Unexpexted 4 Benefits of Pine Tree Reduce Stress

14.11 Add Comment

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Pine trees deliberately planted to be used wood and sap, as well as conservation area.Almost all parts of the tree can be used, among others, the stalks can be tapped for sap taken. Pine resin can be processed into paint thinners. Timber, useful for construction, lighters, pulp, and paper fiber length.

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Paper that we often use is generally made are generally made of wood, or more precisely from wood fibers mixed with chemicals as fillers and reinforcing paper. The wood used in Indonesia are generally species of pine. In the paper-making machine, wood fibers are mixed with long fibrous wood pine trees.

Benefits of Pine Tree

In addition to making paper, there are many other benefits of pine trees. The beauty and the scent of pine trees is very refreshing. The aroma of pine is also used for therapy. But apparently, the pine tree still holds benefits for health.

Flavonoids and vitamin C

Pine bark and leaves contain a lot of vitamin C. needle pine tree also full of antioxidants. Once processed into drugs, pine tree extract can accelerate blood circulation, eliminate pain in the knee, and drugs to improve memory in the elderly.

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Unexpexted 4 Benefits of Pine Tree Reduce Stress
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Reduce Stress

Research at Kyoto University in Japan showed that a walk in the pine forest for 15 minutes per day can reduce stress. If we have trouble finding pine forests, it can be replaced by using essential oils of pine or fir. Pine scent can also calm emotions.

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Heal Bronchitis

Pine ability not only to calm down, but it can also relieve colds, sinuses, shortness of breath and bronchitis. It's easy, add three drops of pine essential oil in a bowl of hot water. Then cover the head with a towel, and inhale the scent of pine through the nose and mouth.

Relieve muscle pain

Pine oil are also has benefits to relieve muscle pain. The trick, add five drops of pine oil with two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Then, massage on the painful part of the body muscles.

EAT THIS!!!30 Beneficial Food for Take Good Care of Your Heart Health

19.24 2 Comments

30 Beneficial Food for Heart Health
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Food good for heart health, Do you want to have a healthy heart? The heart is an organ that is essential for living creatures. Cardiac function is to pump blood throughout the body and lungs. Heart controls blood flow through the circulatory system, distribute oxygen throughout the blood vessels, providing nutrients to all organs of the body, remove toxins in the body and converting carbon dioxide into oxygen to the body. If seen, the heart has a very big role for human life.

Criteria For Good Food for Heart Health

The heart is the organ most commonly affected by the disease. There are different types of heart disease and has become one of the leading causes of death in the world. The heart requires healthy food as a nutrient essential to all organs of the body.

The basis for choosing heart-healthy foods are as follows:

  • Eat foods that have fat in small quantities. Besides heart also must be free of trans fat and cholesterol.
  • Meal consisting of fruits, grains and vegetables.
  • Foods that contain fiber.
  • The food that does not contain much salt.
  • The food and drinks that contain lots of sugar.
  • Foods that contain omega -3.

Choosing foods that are healthy for the heart is not an easy thing to do. Many people do not understand and just pick the food for delicious and has an attractive color. Basically, the heart requires a wide range of important substances found on food.

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Here are substances from foods that are good for heart healthy:

  • Phytosterols are one of the good type of cholesterol that works to reduce bad cholesterol content in the blood. Various foods that have high phytosterols are substances such as wheat, nuts, and seeds.This substance is used to increase blood flow in the heart. This substance is very important for people who have blood clotting problems, symptoms of a stroke, and other heart problems. Polyphenols are one type of antioxidant which has the function to provide protection to blood vessels, reduces the levels of LDL in the blood, and lowers blood pressure.
  • Carotenoids are antioxidants that are most commonly found on vegetables and fruits. Types of carotenoids are good for the heart is alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene.
  • Omega-3. Omega-3 is a natural fat found in many different types of fish such as salmon. This substance is needed by the heart to form the body's immune system, protects the cardiovascular system, and reduce the risk of blood clots. Even omega-3 also has a function to protect the blood of cholesterol, increase good cholesterol in the blood, the arterial duct cleaning of plaque, lowering blood pressure and as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Vitamin C and Vitamin E. This vitamin Two kinds serves to protect body cells from the effects of free radicals that enter the body, helps normalize blood pressure, and cholesterol in the blood.
  • Vitamin B complex. Vitamin B 12 serves to protect the blood clotting, helps prevent hardening of the blood vessels and increase levels of HDL in the blood.

There are different types of heart-healthy foods that we can consume every day. The following is a list of 30 foods that are healthy for the heart.

Salmon Benefits for Heart Health

Salmon has a lot of substance content of omega-3. Besides salmon also contains protein highly beneficial to maintain health. Each 3-ounce salmon meat containing fat between 5 to 11 grams and 700 to 1,800 milligrams of omega-3. Besides salmon also has a lot of vitamins and minerals.

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Almond Nut Benefits for Heart

Almonds are loaded with vitamin E, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Besides almonds also contain fiber and protein that is high enough. In 23 grains of almonds contains about 1 gram of saturated fat and cholesterol, and 13 grams of unsaturated fat that is very good for heart health. Besides almonds also have a source of protein, calcium, riboflavin, niacin and fiber. Consuming 1 ounce of almonds a day can lower the risk of heart disease. Almond will destroy the bad cholesterol in the blood and turn it into good cholesterol.

Tuna fish Benefits for Heart Healthy

Tuna fish contains omega-3 is quite high. Omega-3 helps the heart to regulate heart rate, protecting the pressure on the heart rate, reduce the potential for heart attacks, increasing the ratio of HDL levels in the blood and replaces all foods that contain cholesterol. You can consume tuna twice in one week.

Brown rice Benefits for Heart Patients

Brown rice became one of the nutrients that are healthy for the body than other types of white rice. Brown rice contains many substances that are essential to the body such as:
Manganese serves to neutralize fat in the body. Manganese substances also help the process of fat synthesis in the body, improve the nervous system and reproductive organs. In one serving of brown rice contains more than 70% of the manganese to the body.
Anti-oxidant is able to make the system work the heart has been very stable. Besides anti-oxidant is also able to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood that can block blood circulation to the heart. In addition to a heart-healthy foods, brown rice is the most potent foods to the diet worldwide.
That's why Brown rice has many benefits for heart.

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Carrot Benefits for Heart Patients Health

Carrots is a vegetable that is easy to obtain. Besides carrots can also be consumed into various processed. This vegetable is rich in fiber foods are very good for nutrients in the body. 
        The content of Carrots
In a medium-sized carrot contains about 200% vitamin A, vitamin K 9%, 3% and 7% calcium vitamin C. Other content of beta-carotene of carrots are very good for the heart. Carrots also have some other substances that are essential to the heart such as folic acid, vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium and thiamine. All content of carrots can build heart muscle, preventing stroke and also form the nervous system in the body.

Spinach  Benefits for Heart Patients Health

Spinach is a vegetable that is very easy to find. Spinach contains phytochemicals from green leaf substance, vitamins, folic acid and iron. Spinach protects heart function, prevent disturbances in the heart rate and keep the sense of sight. Spinach is also known as super-fast meal blood booster.

Tofu Benefits for Heart Attack Patients
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Tofu Benefits for Heart Attack Patients

Tofu is a food made of soy ingredients. Soy protein content is high enough. Consumption of 30 grams of soy protein may reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, protein derived from soy can also serve to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol or LDL. Tofu is one of the super foods containing high protein and is known as muscle-forming foods in the body that is super fast.

Walnuts Benefits for Heart Attack

Walnuts contain lots of omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, folate, vitamin E, unsaturated fats and phytosterols. In one ounce of almonds contains the amino acid L-arginine can reduce the risk of vascular problems to the heart.

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Besides walnuts also contain omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid, which can be useful for preventing blood clotting problems. People who have an increased risk of congenital heart disease are advised to consume walnuts at least less than 1 ounce. Walnuts can be consumed by the processed together salad or other healthy foods.

Soy milk Benefits for Heart

Soy milk is a kind of milk that is processed from soybean material. Consuming soy milk regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol levels in the blood. In one glass of soy milk are some of the nutrients include: 6.5 grams protein, 3 grams of healthy fat, 0.5 grams of saturated fat and less than 20 mg of cholesterol. For people who are at risk of heart disease and congenital heart defects should regularly consume soy milk about 20 grams per day.

Red paprika Benefits for Heart Disease Patients

Red peppers are one type of food sources that contain many important nutrients for heart health.

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Content of Red Peppers Benefits for Heart Failure Patients

In the red pepper is found more than 30 kinds of carotenoids. Some of these substances is highest carotenoid such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxantin cryptoxantin. Besides red peppers also contain substances such as flavonoids include quercetin, hesperidin and luteolin.

Even red peppers also contain substances of very high anti-oxidant. Several other substances that are beneficial for maintaining heart health is vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin A and fiber. Red peppers can help the body as bad cholesterol-lowering foods. The ability of a substance in red peppers luteolin also serves to inhibit LDL oxidation process.

Sweet potato Benefits for Heart Disease

The sweet potato is one of the food sources that could serve to keep the heart healthy. The sweet potato is a food that is very easy to find in Indonesia. The content of vitamin B6 in sweet potatoes can be used to regulate the system of homocysteine ​​in the body so that it can reduce the risk of heart attack. In addition to the sweet potato also found that magnesium may be beneficial to create a system of arteries in the body running well. Potassium is another type of substance found in sweet potatoes. Potassium be one type of electrolyte that serves to regulate the heartbeat and some of the nervous system in the body.

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Tomato Benefits for Heart Failure

Tomato is a fruit that is easy to find. In one tomato fruit containing several substances essential for maintaining heart health. In addition to tomatoes, also known as heart healthy food for stroke patients is quite powerful.
     Nutritional Content of Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain lycopene, vitamin C, especially substances. Even tomatoes also contain salicylic acid, which can prevent blood clotting process. Best nutrient content lies in meat and fruit jelly are around the seeds and flesh.

Blueberri Benefits for Heart Disease Symptoms

Blueberries are a fruit that contains vitamin C, carotene, zinc, potassium, calcium, iron, carotenoids, magnesium, and fiber. All of these substances serve to lower cholesterol levels in the blood and prevent blood clotting in the heart. The flavonoids in blueberries has anti-oxidant is very high. Another substance that is very important for the heart is anthocyanin which can improve blood circulation and prevent the problem of plaque in arteries in the heart.

Asparagus Benefits for Heart Disease Treatment

asparagusAsparagus probably not one popular food in Indonesia. Asparagus sold in supermarkets as a vegetable imports.
      Nutritional Content of Asparagus that has benefits for heart
Asparagus contains nutrients that are essential to the heart, such as fiber, vitamin B and folic acid. B vitamins in asparagus serves to regulate homocysteine ​​system which can prevent heart attacks. Besides anti-inflammatory substances in asparagus also can prevent heart attacks. This vegetable also known as a weight loss diet is super fast.

Orange Benefits for Heart Disease Prevention

Orange is a fruit that is very common and easily found anywhere. Citrus fruits contain fiber, vitamin C, choline, and potassium. The content of the substance is very useful for maintaining heart health. In addition to the content of potassium in oranges contain many mineral electrolytes that serves to regulate the heartbeat.

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Pumpkin Benefits Facts for Heart

Pumpkin is the food that was instrumental for maintaining heart health. In a quarter of a slice of pumpkin contains magnesium which can serve to create adenine triphosphate, DNA and RNA processing systems that contribute to the heart pumping. Even the content of magnesium in the flask also acts to regulate the working system of blood vessels that can prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Papaya Benefits Facts for Heart disease patients

Papaya contains many antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin A. These three nutrients serves to prevent the oxidation process in the body's cholesterol. This process is highly associated with heart attacks that can occur in very short time. Anti-oxidants contained in papaya is able to prevent the accumulation of plaques in blood vessels that normally cause a heart attack. Additionally vitamin E contained in papaya also contains paraoxonase can inhibit the oxidation process of LDL and HDL in the body. Papaya is also rich in fiber can reduce cholesterol in the body.

Chocolate Benefits Facts for Heart patients
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Chocolate Benefits Facts for Heart patients

Do you like to eat chocolate? Brown became everyone's favorite food. In addition to a delicious, chocolate also contains important substances that can prevent heart attacks.
        Chocolate Ingredients Benefits for Heart
In 100 grams of chocolate, there are about 11 grams of fiber, 59% magnesium, 98% manganese, 65% iron and other ingredients such as zinc, selenium, potassium and phosphorus. Chocolate also contains flavonoids that are included in the category prosianidin and epikatein. Two of these substances is very important to control the amount of LDL oxidation, increasing the flow of blood from the arteries to the heart and reduce the risk of blood clots in the heart. Although chocolate contains nutrients that are good for heart health, the consumption of chocolate per day is permitted only about 65 grams.

Tea Benefits Facts for Heart Disease Treatment

Tea is known to be a lot of drinks that are favored by the Indonesian population. Even Indonesia entered into one of the largest tea producer in the world. Tea processed by fermentation which can increase polyphenol content which fall into the category of flavonoids. The content of polyphenols have anti-oxidant substances is very high. The content of polyphenols in the works to clean the lungs, improving blood flow in the heart and prevent the risk of heart attack.

Oatmeal Benefits for Heart

Oatmeal can be a breakfast menu every morning. Oatmeal is made of a material that contains a lot of grain. Oatmeal contains a variety of vitamins, minerals and high in fiber that can lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Oatmeal is made from wheat has a very important role to protect the health of the heart. Oatmeal is a food that contains high calcium for bone and teeth formation.

Red wine Interesting Benefits Fact for Heart

In a study published in a journal called the July American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, proved that red wine contains resveratrol compound that can prevent heart disease. In the journal also proved that the substance resveratrol could reduce levels of fat in the body. Even resveratrol can activate sirtuin compounds that can prevent and reduce the risk of inflammation of the heart.

Broccoli Benefits Facts for Heart Disease Symptoms

Perhaps many people do not like to eat broccoli. Broccoli does look at the shape and taste quite strange. But in broccoli found some nutrient content is very important for the body include: fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A, and potassium. Even broccoli also contains anti-oxidants, glukobrasin, such zeaxantin carotenoids, beta-carotene, and flavonoids. Broccoli can maintain heart health by reducing blood cholesterol levels, keep the blood vessel formation, and as an anti - inflammatory. Broccoli contains high protein which can prevent coronary heart disease.

Avocado Benefits Facts for Heart Disease Prevention

Avocados have a big role to absorb carotenoids (especially beta-carotene and lycopene). Two of these substances is very important to maintain a healthy heart by lowering LDL levels in the blood and increase the good cholesterol to heart.

Olive oil Benefits Facts for Heart Disease Patient

Olive oil contains unsaturated fats are very high. Olive oil can reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. By consuming olive oil as a substitute for palm oil from the protection of the heart becomes higher.

Good Nuts Benefits for Heart

Legumes such as vegetable beans, kidney beans and black beans have excellent benefits for heart and kidney health. All kinds of nuts contain a lot of niacin, folic acid, vitamin B complex, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber content is also very high.

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Soy Benefits for Hearts

Soybeans can be cooked into various foods such as tofu and Soy. Kind of like edamame soybeans are also very good for maintaining heart health. Soybeans contain a lot of protein and unsaturated fat. Substances in soy may reduce the risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol and strengthen the heart muscle.

Potato Benefits for Human Heart

Potatoes are one of the foods that contain lots of fiber. High fiber in potatoes can be used to clean all the bad cholesterol content in the blood vessels. Besides potatoes also contain vitamin B6 and vitamin C can reduce levels of free radicals in the body. The carotenoid content in the potato is very useful to keep the heart rate. Consumption of potatoes regularly may reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Cabbage Benefits for Heart Healthy

Cabbage is a type of fresh vegetables that are beneficial for the heart. Cabbage contains a lot of lutein, zaexantin, sulforaphane, and isohiocyanata. The content of these substances can be a source of anti - oxidants which is very high for the body. The ability of anti-oxidant substances produced by cabbage can keep LDL levels in the body so that it can reduce the risk of heart disease. Besides cabbage also contains vitamin C which can counteract free radicals from the body. Cabbage also contains an excellent source of minerals for the heart, such as potassium, iron, magnesium and manganese.

Banana Benefits for Heart Conditions
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Banana Benefits for Heart Conditions

Bananas contain various substances that are very important to maintain heart function. Some substances with high levels found in bananas, among others, potassium, minerals, electrolytes, and little sodium. Potassium is essential for the heart because it serves to supply power to the heartbeat. While low sodium content could help overcome the problem of high blood pressure that can cause heart attacks

Apple Benefits for Heart Care

Apples are one type of fruit that can be used to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Apples are high in fiber which can make the system work intestine absorb fat in an amount more than other foods. Apples also can reduce the accumulation of plaque in the arteries of the heart. Apples contain phenolic compounds that can strengthen the artery wall lining of the heart. Apples are also recommended as food for hemorrhoid sufferers healthy and powerful.

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There are many types of food that can be beneficial for heart health. All of these foods can be obtained easily and can be processed into a variety of foods. So, from now on we can keep the heart healthy by eating these foods diligent and maintain a healthy lifestyle by avoiding the dangers of smoking and exercising.