Amazing Technologies for World of Health

18.58 Add Comment

Amazing Technologies for World of Health

Amazing Tecnologies for World of Health - ICT are widely applied in the medical field. Many hospitals use information systems to handle transactions related to the employee, it is medical, and patient. For example, the information system used to record a patient's medical records electronically.

Information technology is also widely applied to various medical devices, such as the CT scan (computer tomography).

 Here are The Amazing Technologies for World of Health


The stethoscope is one tool that has become a symbol of the medical profession. Mandatory for a doctor to have these medical devices. This is the function of the stethoscope to listen to the heartbeat, bowel sounds, and so forth. With this ability, Stethoscope can be used also to know the working of the lungs and also to measure the blood pressure by listening to the pulse.

Read Also: A Ton Benefits of Catfish For You, Your Family, And Everyone


Endoscopy is a medical device that has a function to determine abnormalities that occur in the means of the upper digestive and throat.


Colonoscopy is a medical devices whose function is to determine the condition of the lower gastrointestinal tract. The section starts from the rectum, anus up to the colon at the bottom.


This medical tool used to measure blood pressure or blood pressure. Used for examination of patients with hypertension, anemia, and others. There are two types namely sphygmomanometer mercury sphygmomanometer and digital sphygmomanometer.

Mercury sphygmomanometers abroad are now banned for use again because of the danger of water if the mercury sphygmomanometer is broken. Digital sphygmomanometers own more sophisticated and practical to use, but the price is more expensive than conventional ones.


The thermometer is a medical device used to measure body temperature. There are two types: the thermometer mercury thermometers and digital. The difference lies in the measuring instrument.

For digital thermometers, if the body temperature is already in the can so the device will emit by itself while the mercury thermometer itself detection take a long time, making it less efficient to use. This is one of the tools that must be owned and stored on your P3K box.


CT- stands for Computed Temography while Scan is a photograph. So that the function of this tool is nothing but to produce images of the parts inside of the body with a more complete and accurate. This is because the image produced from CT-Scan is a photograph (image) of the body in the form of slices.

Technologies for World of Health
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People are more familiar with this medical device called Rontgen. This tool is used to find out the inside of the lungs in particular. X-ray function works with the use of the radiation beam.


This medical device is a tool that serves to cleaning the blood. Moreover, laparoscopy is also used for insemination.

Blood check tool

The tool checks the blood usually has three functions in one device. In addition to checking blood sugar levels, can also be used to check uric acid and cholesterol in the blood. Used in disease screening, cholesterol, gout, diabetes, and others.

Ultrasonography (USG)

Ultrasound is often used to see the development of the fetus in a pregnant woman's body, to check the existence of other diseases in the body such as cancer, myoma, and so forth.

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Electrocardiography is a medical devices whose function is to record the electrical activity of electro or that occurs in the heart. The results can be seen on the electrocardiogram. Usually used in diseases related to the functioning of the heart.

Gamma Camera

Aircraft gamma camera for nuclear medicine is a system for processing the gamma radiation of the human body to be used in the form of images to a diagnostic purposes.


PET / CT is a diagnostic tool medical imaging is the most advanced in the world today, is the only technology
that use anatomy to imaging examination of the function, metabolism and receptors of the body, can detect precisely without harming the body, capable of differentiation and sensitive high to check the presence of even small cancerous lesions and early detection of cancer at an early stage, a level of precision diagnosis reached above 90%. PET / CT has an important role to determine the design of subsequent treatment.

it is a bit of a lot of health benefits of technology to the world. evolving technology will provide more benefits for human health even all beings.

A Ton Benefits of Catfish For You, Your Family, And Everyone

20.37 Add Comment

A Ton Benefits of Catfish For You, Your Family, And Everyone
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A ton Benefits of catfish - Catfish is a fish consumption has penetrated in various parts of the city in Indonesia because it is very easy to fish in aquaculture and also very cheap. but unfortunately this whiskered fish still despised by most people, especially in Indonesia. whereas it is tucked away behind all the myriad of health benefits, nutritional content in catfish is able to help protect human health.

Here are the benefits behind catfish for health:

Catfish Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids
Catfish contained in fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6, such as salmon. The nutrient is known for maintaining cardiovascular health as well as the human brain. Especially children who are growing.

Catfish Rich Protein

In the catfish contained approximately 15.6 grams of protein in one medium-size catfish tail. The amount of protein is able to supply the needs of someone who wants to build muscle mass. So, if you want to have an ideal and solid muscular body, then consume catfish is one of the appropriate solution.

Catfish Rich in Vitamin B 12

The content of vitamin B 12 can also help meet the nutritional needs of the human body. This vitamin is useful to make us more stamina and fatigue in carrying out daily activities. 1 tail catfish can meet 40% of our vitamin B12.

Catfish Rich Phosphorus

Phosphorus is found in catfish, which reached up to 167 mg / 100 g proved to be higher than the eggs which have only 100 mg. Helpful phosphor to energize the metabolism of fat and starch, and therefore it is able to support the health of the gums and teeth, helps the synthesis of DNA.

Catfish Helps Cardiovascular Health

Potassium and sodium contained in catfish is 24.5: 1 quite high enough so as to maintain the health of our cardio and blood vessels. A food is categorized good for heart health is if potassium to sodium ratio of more than 5: 1.

Catfish Can Make healthy heart and brain

The content of omega-3 and omega-6 is in catfish equivalent of expensive salmon. Catfish have the same benefits. Catfish were able to deliver supplies 220 mg of omega-3 and 875 mg of omega-6 fatty acids.

Catfish Can Make healthy heart and brain
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Catfish Good For The formation of bone and teeth

Mineral phosphorus contained in Catfish a mineral that is needed by the body. Mineral phosphorus play an active role in the formation of bones and teeth. Phosphorus mineral deficiency we can suffer bone loss that can ultimately paralysis if the lack of this mineral intake.

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Catfish Can Help Lower Blood Pressure

Researchers have discovered another benefit of omega 3 fatty acids, which help lower blood pressure. also can help maintain healthy skin, especially of eczema and dermatitis, and can assist in the formation of cerebral brain cortese.

Catfish Can Accelerate Wound Healing Process

The content of omega-3 found in catfish are very good to help accelerate the process of wound healing after surgery. so do not hesitate to consume catfish are.

Good For Heart
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Good For Heart

Heart disease is a frightening specter for our health. Improper diet is the principal cause of heart disease. For that we must be good in regulating our diet. Better to avoid foods that contain high cholesterol and consuming lots of fiber-rich foods as well as other good nutrients. Catfish contained in omega-3 is good for heart health. Besides catfish also contain potassium, which plays a role in maintaining proper electrolyte levels so as to stay healthy heart.

Read Also: 21 Benefits of Longan That Will Make Your Body Healthier

Good For The Nervous System

One of the tasks of the nervous system in our body is to receive information in the form of stimulation. If our nervous system will arise disrupted health disorders usually characterized by headaches that often. You can help maintain the health of our nervous to take a vitamin B12 as needed. Catfish meat is a good source of vitamin B12 for healthy neurological or nervous system in the body.

Helps Lose Weight

Everyone would want a body with an ideal body weight. Various methods are used to achieve the ideal weight and one of them with diet. The catfish is the food that you need not avoid when undergoing dieat weight loss because it contains carbohydrates and very little fat catfish. Catfish fat content is much less than other animal side dishes such as beef and chicken. Protein is high on catfish can also be a source of energy and the formation of muscle tissue.

Catfish's Threat for Human Life

Catfish for Health Hazards: Cancer

Catfish is a fish that live in fresh water, in addition to being farmed fish catfish also used to live in lakes, swamps and rivers of muddy water. Catfish has a special feature in the form of whiskers are quite long and dark skin like brown, gray to black. This fish is a fish that is very familiar, almost every food stalls provide the diet of catfish.

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Most people like to consume catfish because it feels good, soft texture, nutritional content to an economical price. But others prefer to avoid because of the perceived catfish catfish fish were dirty and not good for health. Including who are you, like it or avoid? In order to more clearly let us learn more about the content of what is contained in the catfish.

Catfish contain mercury?

In this modern era of increasingly advanced technology but the environment is getting overlooked by the many environmental pollution. Nearly all fish contain mercury, a substance that can harm your nervous system. But you need not worry because you still able to eat catfish, except catfish that grow at high mercury contamination. Most of the research revealed that the catfish is a fish that contains very little mercury. The regulatory body also stated catfish environment is the fish safe to eat

Catfish contains many bacteria that are harmful to health
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Catfish contains many bacteria that are harmful to health?

Catfish is a fish that can breed in dirty waters and low oxygen. There is even a catfish farmer who puts catfish ponds around the chicken coop. This he did because the catfish is a fish that can consume chicken manure and even human waste making it easier for the cattle business. Circumstances such as these that enable catfish contains a lot of bacteria.

Some bacteria are commonly found in catfish, namely E. coli, Shigella and Salmonella, the bacteria can be removed with appropriate processing methods. Make sure you wash with clean catfish and process them with a proper warm because of bacteria in catfish could die due to heating.

Apart from these concerns more catfish contains nutrients that are beneficial to the health of your body.

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Many catfish growers utilize such a dirty pond under a chicken coop or pork, catfish remember also the animals that consume the waste and can live in a variety of terrain and mud. Why catfish can cause cancer, following "the danger of cancer catfish" very dangerous

Catfish live in an Extremely Dirty

Catfish is a fish that has a very high endurance, can live in a very dirty environment and waste consumption. Even for the sake of simplicity, many catfish farmers who breed catfish under the chicken coop. Can you imagine the bacteria he consumes.

Consumption Feces

As well as the danger of lizard meat, catfish is a fish that can consume waste (feces) of livestock, it is very easy to breed catfish is not it? well this causes it can be very dangerous because many bacterial contamination.

Of the two characteristics above, both the cage and catfish consumption patterns, it is a type of animal that is very dangerous if farmed in the media were dirty and improper diet.


Those threat is only for wild catfish, if catfish has cared by human that threat can be said nothing. if catfish are cared by human the cleanliness of the food and where it lives is very reck, so you no need to worry about "Catfish live in an Extremely Dirty", "Consumption Feces", "Catfish is a fish that can breed in dirty waters and low oxygen" and another word that said bad about catfish.

Amazing Lime Leaf For Human Health

06.15 Add Comment
Amazing lime leaf For Human Health
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 Amazing leaf For Human Health - In general, we do not know the benefits of citrus leaf content, but many benefits and the content contained therein.

Naturally this lime helpful for cough medicines, eliminate phlegm (mucolytics), improving the urine (diuretic) and sweat, as well as excellent in aiding digestion.

The content contained in lime is Linalool, Limonene fly oils and flavonoids, such as Poncirin, Hesperidine, Rhoifolin and Naringin. On fruit ripe lime contains Synephrine, N-methyltyramine, Citric Acid, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, and Vitamin A, B1 and C. While it contains citric acid can prevent the recurrence of patient after kidney stone surgery.

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The content of Lime Leaf Oil, among others:

  1. Sabinen
  2. Talhinen
  3. Acetaldehyde
  4. Octano
  5. Myrcene
  6. Limonoida
  7. terpinen
  8. Trans ocimen
  9. Cymeno
  10. Terpinolene
  11. Penen

The content of organic compounds in the leaves of lime are:

  1. Protein
  2. Vitamin
  3. Amino acids
  4. alkaloids
  5. Steroids
  6. The solution was fat and non-fat
The content of the famous orange leaves are terpenoid compounds that are larvicides.

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Benefits lime leaves

 Improving Digestion Performance

Consuming lemon mixed in a glass of warm water will leave a good impact on digestion. It stimulates and activates the whole body's digestive process, helping you stay healthy and active.

Increase Endurance Body

Vitamin C content of which is attached at this plant will provide protection against diseases caused by cold and a variety of other diseases. With increased immunity will preserve and protect the body from infection and disease.
Amazing Lime Leaf For Skin Health
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Inhibits Aging

Vitamin C of lemon acts as a natural antioxidant. So that the body will be able to fight free radicals that are harmful to the body that cause a lot of damage to the skin you.If want to stay young, then drink a glass of warm lemon ensure you fight wrinkles due to aging.

Lose weight

Weight watchers often recommends starting the day with a glass of warm lemon water. In addition to providing a feeling of fullness, lime also provide fiber and vitamin C that helps you lose weight.

Curing Cough Accompanied Influenza

The trick, cut a ripe lime and contains enough water, then squeeze. Pour boiling water juice with 60 cc of hot water. Add 1/2 teaspoon of whiting stirring. Drink this mixture two times a day 2 tablespoons.

Read Also: Benefits of the Healthiest Beverages on the Earth, Green Tea

Treating Fever or Flu

One washed and squeezed lime juice, added with 3 shallots that have been crushed and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply on the forehead . a lime briefly baked, cut and squeezed, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink once.

Lime Leaf For Tooth Health
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Treat tooth ache

Prepare 3 fresh lime leaves and hot water
Put the leaves into water
wait till the water is ready to drink
Then rinse water into the mouth
Cover the leaves are perforated with orange leaves

Read Also: The benefits of mangosteen 

Parent Must Read This!! Is Gadget Provides Advantages or Even Disadvantages for Children?

19.13 Add Comment

Is Gadget Provides Advantages or Even Disadvantages for Children?
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Parent Must Read This!! Is Gadget Provides Advantages or Even Disadvantages for Children? - In modern times such as this, the children are familiar and even proficient in using a gadget. In this case of course the important role of parents is needed to act wisely in providing a means of communication. If used wisely, the gadget will be useful as a medium of learning for children. However, if its use is not controlled then the influence of the gadget is very dangerous for the health and development of the child.

In addressing the times and technology at this time, each parent should know the right time to give the gadget in children. In addition, parents should also impose limits on the use of the gadget so that children do not become a dependency that will negatively impact growth.

Seeing a child engrossed playing gadget is no longer a strange sight, is not it? Even many of the mothers who feel proud if his son flexible pressed the button and play games applications on the smartphone or tablet. Not surprisingly in this era of sophisticated, parents will surely introduce even provide for their gadgets. But have you ever thought of, the benefits of the gadget for a child's education? Precise provides a gadget for the little guy? Let's discuss together here.

Is There Gadget Give Benefits For Children's Education?

Introduce early childhood gadget is actually nothing wrong, but a lot of parents who do not understand the correct use of the gadget is good for children. So that the gadget is not only to make the children engrossed in play and be quiet. Because in fact contain elements of education benefits to be gained from playing smartphone, laptop and tablet computers for children, for example, provide new knowledge. Therefore, before you buy a gadget, find out goals to be achieved. Do not make sophisticated technology to limit children activity. Because even though the gadget could be interesting toys, children need to keep moving on.

According to education experts, the child should be introduced to the functions and how to use the gadget at the age of 6 years. Because at that age brain development of children increased to 95% of the adult brain. Because, if introduced gadget under the age of 6 years, more children to play as a child interested in the visual (pictures) and sounds that vary contained in the gadget. So the use of the gadget should be tailored to the needs of children.

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The main goal should provide gadgets in children can be is to help enrich the knowledge of children. If this is the goal, then the mother is okay to allow child playing with gadgets. Look for applications that contain elements of education than to download the game applications that only make children happy but did not provide much benefit.

Make Time Restrictions

Well, unfortunately most of you do not have strict rules and close supervision when children play smartphone, laptop and tablet computers. Not a few parents who did not accompany the child during play so that children too far with the use of the gadget.

We recommend that before you give permission for the child to wear a gadget, make a collective agreement will be respected. For example, an agreement on the time using a tablet computer at a certain time only, Saturday and Sunday. Specify how long a child can play. Advice from the experts, you should provide a maximum of two hours for children busy playing with his tablet computer.

There is also a good idea if you do not give ownership rights to the tablet computers to one child. make gadgets as common property, so the child learns to share to use it. Ask the children to play in areas that you can supervise. Do not let children play alone, because it can provide an opportunity for children to abuse the technology advances on a site that is not for the consumption of children.

Must be friend with kids in Social Media
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Be Friends Interacting on Social Media

In addition to the application of knowledge through games and gadgets, you can also invite family members to interact via email and social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, BBM). Be a good friend in the social media accounts and often to interact so that you know who the child's friends and can directly monitor the child's activities. But remember, do not be 'policeman' for children, because it will make the child uncomfortable.

Tips for you, Mom, do not forcibly took a laptop or tablet computer when children engrossed in play. This will make the child angry. Better, encourage children to talk and explain about the negative impact if the child is too old to play gadget. And if you've made an agreement on the schedule play gadget, make sure you and the children consistently do

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and besides that, Gadget also give children many disadvantage,

Here Influence Gadget For Children What You Need To Know

radiation hazard

Effect of gadgets for the first child the danger of radiation exposure. According to a research, the radiation exposure of the gadget is very dangerous to the health and development of children. Radiation gadget serious risks of disturbances to the developing brain and immune system of children.

cause addiction

Influence of child next gadget that lead to addiction and dependence. This will certainly have a negative impact on the physical and motor development of children. When your child cool to play gadget usually forget to eat so that the intake of nutrients to support the growth disturbed. Moreover, the gadget addicted will also impact the child's personality so it is more likely to have the closed nature and do not socialize.

Barriers to progress

Children who have addiction to gadgets will likely encounter in the development. This is because the kids are busy playing gadget rarely moves thus inhibiting the growth process.

mental illness

The use of gadgets that are not controlled and continuously can be one of the triggers of mental illnesses such as depression, bipolar disorder and autism.


 In addition to inhibiting the growth of children who are too busy playing gadgets are particularly at risk of overweight or obesity. This is because children less motion resulting in the accumulation of body fat accelerate in excessive weight gain.

Sleep Disorders because of Gadget
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Sleep disorders

You should not leave gadgets in children at night. This is because it can lead to sleep disorders that affect growth and development. Games within the gadget usually make the child more fun so that when sleep is disrupted. In this case an important role as a parent is needed to control the use of gadgets.

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The influence of impressions

Sometimes you realize the children to open online sites that show impressions that were not supposed to see them. Therefore, you as parents must be wise and should not leave the Internet connection at the time the child uses the gadget.

To prevent a negative impact on the development of children's gadgets, you should implement definite rules. One of them is to restrict the use of the gadget up to 2 hours per day. Additionally, please provide supervision of children while using the gadget that with so little will be more controlled and not abuse these objects.

Take Many Benefits of Roses for Health, Beauty, and, Miss V. CHECK THIS OUT!!!

08.43 Add Comment

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Take Many Benefits of Roses for Health, Beauty, and, Miss V. CHECK THIS OUT!!! - Roses besides known as a symbol of affection is also known as the flowers are beneficial for health and beauty. Behind the beautiful shape but can be used as ornamental flowers also provide many benefits to Health and beauty, especially for women.

Benefits Roses For Women's Health and Beauty

Many still consider roses can only be used as an ornamental flowers only but in fact bung roses can be beneficial to the health and beauty of women. Here's the explanation:

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1. Eliminate Acne

The water that comes from a rose is a natural cleanser for the face material because it contains a lot of antioxidants and very effective to kill the bacteria that cause acne. It is very easy is to wash your face regularly using a mixture of warm water and the water rose.

2. Take Good Care of Skin

Healthy skin is skin with a stable pH, one way to keep the balance that the waste water rose. Water roses can be used as a natural ingredient skin care because it can balance sebum production in the skin. Water roses can treat the skin good skin is dry or oily. Benefits of Vitamin E also believed to treat the skin so the skin becomes healthy and shiny look.

3.Keep Hair Health

By using water roses believed our hair will be healthy because the water rose itself has a natural conditioning that works to moisturize the hair. You do this by pouring a few drops of rose water while shampooing coincided with shampoo, in addition to making the skin healthier this way you have a distinctive fragrance hair.

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4. Maintain Healthy Eyes

Often women have problems with the black eye bags under the eyes because it reduces the beauty. To get rid of eye bags naturally and quickly you can use rose water. In addition rosewater can also treat the redness of the eyes and inflammation of the eyes as well as the benefits of sage leaves. The trick drops two or three drops of flower water on the eyes and close your eyes for a moment. Do it this way would regularly to maintain good eye health.

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5. Treat Foot Swelling

Leg swelling of course that we can not walk therefore must be treated immediately. The first treatment we can do is a natural treatment with one of them roses. The trick boiled 2-3 relationship roses, 30 grams sembung and 600 ml of water simultaneously. Drinking boiled water is within a span of two times a day for maximum effect.

6.Lowering Blood Pressure

In addition to roses that can be utilized as a drug beans on roses can provide health benefits and beauty of women that can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the human body.

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7. Eliminate odors Mouth

Bad breath problem experienced by some people of course are very disturbing problem and can cause you ostracized. To treat it, you can try the rose as a natural remedy. You do this by setting up multiple rosebud, wash the flowers to clean and soak with a glass of cold water, rock sugar to taste, and let the marinade for 1 night. The next day, strain and drink it up. Do this routine twice a week.

8. For Relaxation Early

Water roses also has relaxation benefits that aim to make ourselves into a calm and relieve the stress that is usually caused by nervous tension, psychosomatic, and heart disease. To get this relaxation effect soak yourself in a tub of warm water and sprinkle flowers taste. You can also try to take a nap if you want to relax yourself for 8 nap for health benefits one of which is for self-relaxation.

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9. Herbal tea

In addition to the drug can be used as natural health and beauty of roses can be utilized as an excellent herbal tea effects for drug therapies and stress. This is because herbal tea roses has a function as a warm drink that has a relaxing effect.

10. Generate Unique Taste In Food

Benefits roses are not widely known by people in general are water roses can be used to get a unique taste of the food. There are some foods that you can add water rose as cake Greek, Indian curry, ice cream, pudding, and Marzipan.

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11. Irregular menstruation

Benefits roses are very diverse one can treat irregular menstrual cycles as well as the benefits of mangosteen peel 42 and 13 for health benefits and side effects of avocado leaves. You do this by setting up 15 grams of roses, asoka or Siantan, and 90 grams of aloe vera. Clean up all the ingredients and boil third such material with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc of water only. Strain and drink twice a day after meals to get the maximum results and satisfactory.

Read Also:  The benefits of mangosteen

12. To strengthen Gastrointestinal

The digestive tract that had been disrupted both difficult to defecate or vice versa can be treated with roses because roses alone can eliminate wastes in the colon and small intestine of man.

13. Treat Menstrual Pain

Pain during menstruation is very disturbing women in particular when it is in everyday activities such as school or college. How to treat menstrual pain with roses is to prepare 15 grams of roses, 15 grams of leaves of the gods. Wash both the material and boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc only. Strain and drink twice a day

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16. Healthy Vagina

 Such as spa treatments typically use rose water as the main ingredient. This is because the typical fragrance of rose water and beneficial to your sex organs. 'Wash' Miss V with ripe warm water mixed with rose water.

Unique Facts about Roses

  • Cleopatra used to tease Mark Anthony uses red roses because red rose considered to be owned by Venus, the Goddess of Love.
  • Red roses are also said to be a symbol of love, while pink roses symbolize love and the white rose is the symbol of purity.
  • Gave the roses to someone has its own meaning that you have fallen in love at first sight.

The roses are the types of flowers are synonymous with love, take advantage of this interest for a spouse or lover is the best it's important to get the attention of your help.

21 Benefits of Longan That Will Make Your Body Healthier

18.35 Add Comment

21 Benefits of Longan That Will Make Your Body Healthier
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21 Benefits of Longan That Will Make Your Body Healthier - You like to eat longan? Longan has many other names, some call it a cat's eye, or badaro. Whatever you call this fruit has benefits for our health. So it is recommended to be consumed on a regular basis. Longan can we use as a refreshing drink we consume directly or while relaxing.

Why could longan is rich with benefits for health? This is because the nutrient content contained therein. There are some very important nutrients found in the fruit small round like marbles, such as: vitamin A, vitamin B, B1, B2, B3, vitamin C, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, magnesium and also tartik acid besides there are other compounds that phytochemicals and other compounds that are very good for health.
Not very much at all? So always stock this fruit in your home. Okay with it, we discuss what are the benefits to your health longan.

Efficacy of Fruit Longan,

21 Benefits of Longan Benefits for Body Health

1. Anti-depressants

Longan has a calming effect, improve nerve function, overcoming irritation and reduce fatigue. Longan can also treat insomnia and other sleep disorders.

2. Assist the heart and spleen

By reducing stress and fatigue, Longan can lighten the work of the heart and spleen. Longan also can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

3. Accelerate healing and extending life expectancy

Together with polyphenols, longan can combat free radicals in the body and prevent cell damage. Longan also can reduce the risk of developing some types of cancer.

4. Smooth circulation of blood

This is why longan can be used to prevent anemia. In addition, longan proven able to control the levels of iron in the body.

Benefits of Longan For Diet
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5. Diet

Longan had higher levels of fat and calories are very low. Half a bowl of longan only 35 calories, the right choice for the diet.

Read Also: Tested!! Benefits of Avocado for Diet and Health 

6. Sources of Energy

Despite having a low fat and calories, longan contain complex carbohydrates to supply energy and stamina.

7. Prevent Fever and Flu

Many uses Vitamin C to the human family, including increasing the endurance and also protect the body from colds and flu.

8. Healthy skin

Longan is good for the skin because it contains anti-aging material. Primarily, longan prevent skin wrinkles near the eyes, minimizing damage and exfoliate and brighten skin tone.

9. longan seeds can treat snake bites

Massage area bitten by a snake with longan seeds can suck out the poison at a time to heal the wound.

10. Longan Seeds maintaining healthy hair

Saponins contained longan seed is the basic ingredient of shampoo can make hair to be beautiful.

11. Coping with loss of appetite, weakness and diarrhea affluent

Eat 60 grams of fresh longan, perform twice daily in the morning and evening.

12. Burns

Take a bit of skin or shell longan, grilled until charred. Finely crushed and mix with tung oil (Aleuritis fordii). Dab on the part and burn.

13. Wounds beyond that never healed

Take a bit of skin or shell longan, grilled until charred. Finely crushed and mix with olive oil. Apply on the wound area.

14. Overcoming toes itch and purulent

Take some longan seeds, roasted on the fire. Mash until smooth, spread on the affected part.

15. Amnesia, Mental Decline, anxiety (anxiety)

"Tonic longan" (gui yan gao): 500 grams of fresh litchi fruit and 500 grams of sugar, boil them till becomes thick. Drink each day one tablespoon.

Weakness or repair the body after illness gone
Consumption of 250 grams of fresh longan fruit every day.

Benefits of Longan Fruits for Pregnancy
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16. Weak and less labor during pregnancy

Take each day one tablespoon "tonic litchi" in the morning and evening.

17. Healthy Intestine

Longan fruit is also useful healthy gut and improve the absorption of food,

Read Also: The benefits of mangosteen

18. Various Diseases

smooth urination, tackle intestinal worms, treat headaches, vaginal discharge and hernia.

19. Good Urine and Blood Circulation

While the longan tree root efficacious as a laxative urine and blood circulation.

20. The anti-inflammatory and Fever Reducer

The leaves of litchi trees efficacious as anti-inflammatory and fever reducer.

21. Eliminate Pain and Bleeding Stops

The seeds are useful for relieving pain and stop bleeding.

Those are 21 Benefits of Longan. Because of it's benefits longan can be daily fruits for your family. not only the taste of longan that sweet, but as you know longan has many benefits for human body.

CHECK THIS OUT!!!The Benefits of Having Inner Beauty and How to Lets your Inner Beauty Comes out!

18.35 Add Comment

CHECK THIS OUT!!!The Benefits of Having Inner Beauty and How to Lets your Inner Beauty Comes out!
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CHECK THIS OUT!!!The Benefits of Having Inner Beauty and How to Lets your Inner Beauty Comes out! - Has inner beauty will make her into a beautiful whole. Not only beautiful on the outside but also beautiful on the inside. Every woman has an inner beauty, but only some are aware of and able to spread it out. Has inner beauty has many benefits for the woman herself. Following will be presented the benefits of inner beauty for women.

Benefits of Inner Beauty for Women


  •     Increase confidence
  •     Transform themselves into a more positive personal
  •     Able to appreciate and accept the beauty possessed
  •     Have the charm and attraction for people around
  •     Having faith in the ability of the
  •     To know and love yourself
  •     Having awareness of development advantages
  •     It is easier to build good relationships with others
  •     Preferably others
  •     Able to radiate inner beauty that affects the physical beauty
  •     Creating a more beautiful face
  •     Prevent premature aging

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 More prudent in dealing with life.

So many benefits of Inner beauty that you can get when you are able to find and inner beauty radiates from within you. Exudes inner beauty you can do to transform yourself into a more positive person. By being a positive person you are, positive behavior that is reflected from within you will radiate charm and a natural attraction for the people around you.

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Always friendly and smiling will also affect facial beauty and your physical appearance.

With a smile on the face of your muscles will be more fresh, so you look more beautiful and and youthful. Has inner beauty also proven to refrain from premature aging. Even if you already have inner beauty, you do not necessarily leave facials and physically. Has two beauty as well as outer beauty that will make you have a perfect beauty and able to feel the benefits of inner beauty.

Beauty is a characteristic that gives the experience of pleasure or satisfaction to see it. Because this could be a subjective experience, it is often said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Apart from the subjectivity, the general characteristics of the beautiful itself is often based on a combination of inner and outer beauty or outer beauty and inner beauty or inner beauty.

Outer beauty which includes physical attributes can we care in order to maintain the appearance still looks charming. But do not just focus on physical shortage and how to beautify it.

Do you realize that pretty standard touted by the media can make us feel dissatisfaction and resentment because we kept comparing between physical beauty and ugly. In fact, heart alias beauty inner beauty is no less important for us to wake up. radiate an aura that beautiful from the inside! 

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5 Steps to let your Inner Beauty out

Inner beauty includes psychological factors such as personality, intelligence, modesty, charisma, integrity, compassion, and grace. In order for your inner beauty shine, Sharpen those factors with the following steps:

The Benefits of Having Inner Beauty and How to Lets your Inner Beauty Comes out!

1. Reduce your nerves and be happy

A study revealed that women with higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol are high or because of lack of sleep make less attractive aura. The stress is not managed properly can make you look wilted. This is because high levels of stress hormones that could affect the collagen and cause skin to become dry and wrinkled.

Control your stress well for the health of your psychological as well as inner and outer beauty. When the stress is often comes to you, move on to doing this:
  • Do some Outdoors Sport.
  • Resting moment to be able to think calmly.
  • Call your friend and pour out your heart.
  • Go to a quiet place like a backyard and then let your emotions out by yelling like hell to be psychic relief.
  • Follow the self-defense classes, such as kickboxing or expansion to channel your emotions while exercising.
  • Be the person who has a big heart to forgive yourself and others. Remove all the emotions and feelings are bad because such things can poison your soul. In the future, you can be smarter in making decisions.

2. Sharpen your wisdom

Who is uncomfortable friends or in connection with the wise? You might also find that the sage is more admired and respected in the neighborhood . Then, why do not you being wise? The following steps can help you find your discretion: 

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  • Read the books of sages, like a character historian, novelist, poet, or the author of a motivational book. In addition to increasing knowledge, reading can help form a broader perspective in the face of a problem.
  • Be a good listener and respect the ideas of others.
  • Share it with others, such as giving something to charity or engage in non-profit community. Need not be wealthy to be generous to others. A person with inner beauty is not selfish, but rather likes to share with others.
Benefits of Having Inner Beauty and How to Lets your Inner Beauty Comes out!
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3. Love those around you

Avoid being someone who always demands the attention and affection of others, but devote a sense of affection for others. No need to think about lofty things because you can do simple things that turned out to be valuable to others, such as the following:

  • To express the love of a lover, friend, parent, or sibling. Try to appreciate them.
  • Remind yourself about who you love, as well as reminding those you love how much you feel about them. Display a picture of you and your loved ones in the gadget as well as in your house so they always feel close to you.
  • Strengthen ties your friendship and do not forget old friends. Contact your old friends to say hello or simply say happy birthday. Invite them to meet occasionally. In addition, do not forget to develop new friendships.
  • Come out of an unhealthy relationship that just makes you feel like a bad person. Not all relationships deserve to be saved.

There is nothing wrong with feeling happy and celebrate the positive things from yourself. If you have managed to do something well, do not be afraid to admit that you made. The trick does not have to scandalize the world. For example if you managed to cook food properly, then eat it with pleasure and gratitude. Many people find that gratitude helps them to focus on what they have, not on what he lacks.

Additionally, when you look in the mirror, appreciate that figure. You do not need to be someone else, for example, with a strict diet in order to thin, worry to always look handsome, and so forth. You can spend a weekend without makeup or confusing how you look.

Experience what it's like to be yourself without caring to the necessity to give the impression to others. The truth is that women of all cultures dress, diet, and do all those things in order to attract the male gaze. Try to be healthy personal for yourself.

How to Lets your Inner Beauty Comes out!

5. Continue to improve yourself

Do not expect to become a better person in just one night. All need a process that create realistic targets to be achieved, for example, lose weight gradually until it reaches the ideal posture and continues to be a better person.

All you need to remember is there is no perfect man. When you're feeling being at a low point and see other people better than you, then do not be discouraged. Maybe they are better at certain things, but that does not mean you are useless.

Instead of comparing yourself with others in a negative view, are healthier for you when you receive an excess of others and open-minded to learn from them. By developing positive personality, aura beauty can shine and your heart will ultimately inspire others.

Hard to Sleep? Follow these Tips and You will Sleep Like a Log

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Hard to Sleep? Follow these Tips and You will Sleep Like a Log - Sleep is a mandatory activity for humans, because during sleep the body will rest and damaged cells are replaced with new ones. But not everyone can get a good night's sleep. There are various reasons that make a person sleep difficulties following tips to make your night's sleep more soundly so as reported by FoxNews (16/8).

Like the article before this "Hey Look, Sleep Like a Log has Many Benefits for Health" that talked about the benefits of sleep in this article a wanna share how to get the benefits of sleep. of course if you want to get the benefits of sleep you must sleep :)

So here are tips how to sleep like a log:

1. Set the sleep schedule

Want to sleep more soundly? Try to sleep in the same time every night and wake up at the same time during the morning. Regular bedtime routine makes your biological clock so that you are well rested stable.

2. Make a note sleep

To help understand how your habits affect your rest, write down what you do before going to bed, what time you sleep and wake up. Thus you can keep track of what makes you sleep soundly.

3. Quit smoking

Nicotine makes you trouble sleeping. Smoking also exacerbates sleep apnea and respiratory problems that could not get a good nights rest.

4. Your Medications

Some drugs actually cause you insomnia. Therefore consult your doctor to be able to choose a drug that does not give effect to sleep.

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5. Sports

Regular exercise can improve the quality of your sleep. But do not ever exercise before bed, because it just ruin your sleep.

6. Do not drink coffee on at 2 pm

Coffee, tea and sodas contain caffeine and stimulates the brain so that you can not sleep.

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7. Writing diary

Sometimes the burden of thinking or problem you face makes you trouble sleeping. Try to write down all your frustration on the diary. That way you'll be more relaxed and easier to sleep.

8. Take time to relax

After working all day sometimes you can not go straight to bed when lying on a mattress. Give your body time to transition after conducting a series of activities for an hour before going to bed. For example, by cleansing, preparing a job the next day and so on.

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9. Drinking milk

A glass of hot milk to warm the body and make it more full so you will easily sleepy.

10. Snacking on cheese and crackers

Combining carbohydrates and calcium can boost serotonin, a chemical in the brain that makes you feel calm. Enjoy the snack one hour before bedtime.

11. Listen to a fairy tale

Yes, bedtime can make you fast asleep. You can read some books were mild and pleasant. The storyline is complex and tense it makes you difficult to sleep. Listening to relaxing music can also be an alternative.

12. The temperature is cool

Will sleep more soundly if it is in a cool room. If you are in the summer, you can sleep with a fan-less, thin clothes to feel cool.

13. Use aromatherapy

The scent of lavender, chamomile, jasmine causes relaxation and make you sleep more soundly.

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14. If menopause

During menopause, 75 percent of women suffer from hot flashes, and more than 20 percent had night sweats. Consider turning on a fan or air conditioner to cool air.

15. The neighborhood is quiet no noisy

Sleep would need tranquility. Their sound is too loud music, the sound of the television or sound of people chatting and laughing makes you distracted.

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16. Eliminate the light source

Light is too strong will make your brain stay awake so hard to sleep. We recommend that you dim the light to get a comfortable sleep.

17. Do not sleep with a pet

Many people who want to sleep with their pets. But sometimes even a few animals are active at night. For example he sniff or joggers. Of course this will disturb your sleep.

18. Check the position of the pillow

Make sure you sleep in a perfect position, the spine and neck in a straight line to avoid stress or cramps that can prevent you to sleep.

19. Breathe deeply

This technique helps to reduce the heart rate and blood pressure, releases endorphins and relaxes your body.

20. Fixed lie even insomnia

Lying down with her eyes closed encourage you to be more relaxed, calm and eliminate stress. If you can not sleep, do not even grumble. Allow your body to lie still and close your eyes. Eventually you will be asleep.

Good night's, sleep like a baby is not a difficult thing right guys?