WOW Here The Recipe and Benefits of Water Guava

06.25 Add Comment
The Recipe and Benefits of Water Guava
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Many of us encounter water guava that exist around our house, if you lived there were a lot of growing plants water guava , you must already familiar with water guava, aren't you?. The edge roadside vendors are now plenty of water guava. But are you already know all the benefits of water guava? if not Here we will give you information about benefits of water guava:

Water guava

Water guava is one type of fruit native to Southeast Asia. So do not be surprised if the fruit is included in the rate syzygium (Myrtaceae) is very easily found in various regions in Indonesia. As its name, type of guava that one is very rich in water content so refreshing when eaten.

Besides water, nutrients that are contained in the water guava quite complete, including calories, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, vitamin C, vitamin A, and others. Therefore, guava is not only delicious, but also healthy, even to cure various diseases and useful for beauty care.

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Benefit of Water Guava

Many of the benefits contained in water guava, such as to prevent dehydration (lack of fluid) due to the high water content, as well as to increase male fertility, function as antioxidants, maintain healthy body cells, health benefits to overcome the eye include eye fatigue, is also effective in preventing diarrhea.

Not only the fruit, guava plant leaves water is also very helpful. The leaves contain the antibody and anti virus so that it can be used as a febrifuge and, especially in children. In addition, water guava leaves can also be used as an herb relaxation to keep stress.

Recipe to Consume Water Guava in Unique Ways
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Recipe to Consume Water Guava in Unique Ways

In addition to its fruit can be eaten directly, Water guava normally used to make salad along with other fruits or make a water guava juice. However, water guava can also be contrived guava sweets are delicious as well as healthy. Here is the recipe and how to make candied guava:


1kg guava
1 liter of clean water, Dab ½ tsp whiting
500gram sugar.
400ml boiled water
3 clove seeds
5 cm cinnamon
1 tsp lemon juice
Salt to taste

How to make:

Cut each water guava into two halves, remove the seeds.
Soak pieces of water guava with fresh water.
Meanwhile, boil the sugar with water, add beans. Cloves, cinnamon, salt, and lime juice.
After boiling, allow the water to cool.
After the cold water, put the pieces into the boiling water guava sugar and other ingredients.
Let stand for approximately 12 hours and candied guava ready to enjoy

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those are some infromation about benefits of water guava. thanks for read this article.

WooaaH...Benefits of Guava to Treat Diarrhea

19.51 Add Comment
Benefits of Guava to Treat Diarrhea
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The first principle of treating diarrhea which is a deterrent against dehydration. When diarrhea body fluids will be many who come out along with feces as a liquid consistency of the stool. Dehydration can be very dangerous because it can lower consciousness or fainting can even lead to death if not immediately above.

Digestion disorders other than diarrhea

Sometimes we also feel constipation, how to treat constipation read on how to cope with difficult bowel movements in a natural way.

How to cope with diarrhea right? Because if one drug, diarrhea rather than cured but can even be other diseases. We yuk tips on how to cope with diarrhea.

Expand the fluid intake

Ultimately, we have to increase intake of fluids during diarrhea struck, especially containing electrolytes because plain water only able to replace lost fluids, but not electrolytes. To replace lost electrolyte fluid you can use ORS, or if the home is not available ORS ready-made you can make your own, namely lgula and salt dissolved in warm boiled water and drink, usually called salt sugar solution.

How to make sugar solution of salt

to make salt sugar solution as a replacement of fluids and electrolytes enough, add 1/4 teaspoon of salt, then add 4 teaspoons of sugar, mixed with 200 ml of warm water.

Treat Diarrhea with Guava

Guava is one of many fruit that very popular in social. the taste of guava make this fruit has many fans. but did you know that guava also has benefits to treat diarrhea? here are how to manage diarrhea with guava:

Materials need to be prepared to make this herb include:

  1. Faded leaves young guava 3
  2. Salt to taste
  3. Boiled water 2 tbsp

How to make:

Wash thoroughly and then dashed guava puree. Mix a little salt and add 2 tablespoons of boiled water. This herb can be taken any time of diarrhea just 1 tablespoon.How to manage diarrhea with young sapodilla
Materials need to be prepared:

  1. Young sapodilla fruit 1 seed
  2. Salt
  3. Boiled water taste

How to make:

Rinse young sapodilla fruit, and puree. Add a little salt and lukewarm water to taste. Stir until all ingredients are completely mixed and then strain it, drink this potion until diarrhea stopped.

Benefits of Guava leaves to Manage Diarrhea
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Benefits of Guava leaves to Manage Diarrhea

Not only guava fruit that has many benefits, guava leaves also has many benefits, one of them are to treat diarrhea. here are how to make guava leaves to treat diarrhea:

Materials need to be prepared, including:

  1. Young guava leaves 6 pieces
  2. 1 cup of boiled water

How to make:

Rinse the leaves of guava earlier, then puree. Add 1 cup of boiled water. Squeeze the herb that has been mixed earlier. Drink the potion until the diarrhea stops.

Avoid fibrous food

Vegetables are good, but as long as diarrhea avoid vegetables that contain lots of fiber such as cabbage, broccoli, beans. Also avoid eating that although mushy, so that - in order to have a high fiber so it is not good in consumption during diarrhea. Avoid fruit juice, because orange is also one of the fruits that are rich in fiber.

Avoid coffee and alcohol

Coffee and alcohol will spark discharge, it can worsen diarrhea. For a time can be replaced with black tea, tea can help soothe digestion was problematic. During diarrhea also avoid drinking milk. Drinking coffee at night should also be avoided, not only during diarrhea from drinking coffee before bed will make us into a restless sleep. Why is that? how to cope with insomnia read more on how to overcome insomnia naturally and easily.

Those are some tips on how to cope with diarrhea. Please try and get well. If the diarrhea does not get better soon come immediately to healthcare providers to get more help.

Dreaming Having Sexy Body?Here Are Benefits of Lime for Natural Healthy Diet

19.20 1 Comment
Benefits of Lime for Natural Healthy Diet
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Benefits of Lime for Natural Healthy Diet, We all already know that lime is a round green fruit with a very sour taste. However, we already know the benefits of lime juice to the diet is very powerful? Below will be discussed information as well as tips on consumption of lime for weight loss. For what use a diet with chemicals that are not healthy if there is a natural way that is much more healthy and reliable without side effects?

Benefits of Lime for Diet

1. For Body Detoxification

One of the benefits of lime for a healthy diet is to function as a highly potent detoxifying the body. That is, the lime can remove toxic substances that are not needed by the body with ease, including grease and dirt in the intestine. Our digestion will be much more smoothly with the consumption of lime this. To do detox with lime, the way is very simple.

First, we can make a lime infused water. Just cut lemon-shaped thin circles and put in cold water. Discard the skin as much as possible so that no bitter flavor infused water. Cool the mixture of water and the lime juice in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Create instead of water after eating. The second way that can be applied is to enter a few drops of lime juice in warm water.

Drink this mixture regularly every morning. Soon most people would defecate as a sign of toxic waste. This method is not recommended for some people who suffer from acute gastritis since the disease might be worse.

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2. Prevent Free Radical

Benefits of lime juice to diet and other benefits of lime for beauty is preventing free radicals. The circumstances are not. antioxidant content of the fruit is very high and compete with other fruits such as apples. The skin will look brighter with the consumption of lime on a regular basis and will be higher body likely avoid cancer. Consumption of lime juice at least 1 time a week or consumption of lime infused water every day for best results. Good habits is highly recommended for people who often go outdoors then exposed to pollution from motor vehicles.

Benefits of Lime for Natural Healthy Lose Weight
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3. Benefits of Lime for Natural Healthy Lose Weight

Benefits of lime juice to the diet to lose weight is to burn fat in the body. Acid content can shed fat that we just consume easily. Therefore, make sure you eat ice cold lime after eating fatty and high cholesterol foods such as curry, stew, fried foods, and so on. Not only shed fat, lime is also effective in lowering cholesterol levels in the body.

This is due to the content of lemonade in lime juice to prevent the production of apo B substances through the liver cells. Substance apo B will raise cholesterol levels in the body if the quantity in the body increases. Therefore, if during this time we often eat foods high in cholesterol and health check yet again, make sure the lime juice into a compulsory drink for 2 to 3 times a week. Undoubtedly cholesterol levels in the body will be fine (not too high). In cooking food spicy sour, we can also add a little more lemon juice for taste can still be enjoyed.

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4. Not Easy Hungry

Lime if eaten directly, as long as we hold these acids, can make us full longer. This is due to very high fiber in lime fruit and lime juice also has properties of gastric emptying. This is one role of non-starch polysaccharides which are also associated with a high fiber in the fruit. Getting used to eating lime after a heavy meal will control the stomach to feel full with less food than usual. This will help the process of a person's diet and weight loss will go down much easier.

If we do not hold the acid really should not be forced, this fruit can always be processed mainly in the form of cold drinks. Avoid mixing lime with water that is too hot. Because the water is too hot will make the vitamin content in lime reduced. If you have a history of ulcer disease, stomach first conditioning your meal with a lime along with honey or sugar.

After reading the article above, very much the benefits of lime juice to the diet? Still want a diet that is wasting a lot of money with the result that not clear? Switch to diet lime from now.