Health Benefits of Persimmon For Health, Pregnancy, and Beauty

05.26 1 Comment
Health Benefits of Persimmon
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Benefits of Persimmon Fruit for Health, Pregnancy, and Beauty.  Advantages of persimmon are quite a lot. Persimmon fruit itself has nutrients that very beneficial for the body. Even if the persimmon fruit actual nutrient content in accordance with the benefits of apples.  Persimmon consists of high fiber, two times more than apple. In addition to taste wonderful, persimmons are plentiful benefits. The benefits of eating persimmons can be sensed by the body.

Here are 15 Benefits of Persimmon for Health

Many people don’t know the benefits of persimmon for health yet. And in this article I wanna share it for you, here they are:
  • Preventing vessel blood flow becomes difficult
  • Stabilize blood pressure
  • Reduce Cancer
  • Slow the aging
  • Maintain the flexibility of the arteries and thus the blood pressure stay organized
  • Keep the healthiness of the lung
  • Strengthen spleen
  • Streamline the body for individuals who are overweight
  • Prevent macular disease in the elderly
  • Promote the manufacture of red blood cells so that the cells you need to juice the air and will meet with great food
  • Maintain the healthiness of organs heart
  • Boost the immune system
  • Blood circulation
  • Increase the metabolic processes in the body
  • Anti-tumor
  • Overcoming Hypertension

Persimmon benefits can be felt by the body only with straight persimmon actually consume. Besides being able to be consumed directly, persimmons can be additionally processed directly into fresh juice. Persimmon juice every day suffering from hypertension, then ended up being gradually improved.

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How to Consume Persimmon

Persimmon other methods to process you can use as a drug to be dried. Dried persimmon You could probably make a potion to stay drinks. This construction technique is also very easy:

  • Prepare two pieces of dried persimmons . Put it in a pan and then leave the water together with the steam until cooked properly
  • Puree actually steamed persimmon
  • Add as few as 1 teaspoon of pure honey along with a mix and consume
traditional ingredients made from persimmon worked well enough to cure productive cough along with asthma.

Persimmon to Heal Stomachache

True, to relieve abdominal pain, you can ease if you take a fresh persimmon fruit. The pain and heartburn will disappear by itself. No other additional traditional medicine made from dried persimmon, traditional herbal medicine industry to help cure diarrhea or dysentery. How to produce:

  • Boil a few pieces of persimmon dehydration
  • Awaken until it becomes mush
  • Mixed with lemon juice when used together with glutinous rice
  • Consumption of herbal medicine, dried persimmons per day 3 times

The advantage of Persimmon Fruit
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The advantage of Persimmon Fruit in the Culinary Field

Although called the 'apple of Java', persimmon bring a different texture in pieces of meat. if apple institution meat texture, not when using persimmon texture of animal flesh. Persimmon fruit flesh texture is softer and contains more water.

It feels different from the copious amounts of apple flavor in the meat. apple flesh has a sweet-sour taste, while the meat tastes pretty sweet persimmon. So keep the delicious taste when consumed directly without having persimmon alias processed into juice or another type of persimmon processed. Taste sweet meat that they can double as pastry toppings like cherries benefits.

In some areas of the Philippines, called persimmon persimmon flirty like white-colored fruit with just the powder. white color attached with persimmon skin is white powder. The shape is similar seeing that apple makes the persimmon is called java apple.

Persimmon just about fruits that might be rare because you eat this fruit is rarely found. But behind rarely, persimmon stores a variety of benefits for your body. The benefits of persimmon for people health can cure the disease of the epidermis, suitable adjunct to diet, and pregnant women. When mature, the quality of sweet persimmons with yellow, orange. Usually an added extra sprinkling of white flour a lot of people who call the fruit arguing that gorgeous fruit.

The benefits of persimmon are not born alone. It is as persimmon consists of many compounds both compounds that may be useful for the body. Persimmon contains some good carbohydrates, as well as potassium and vitamin products. The content of fructose and glucose is involved in persimmon ready, then added protein is good for health.

Various Advantages of Persimmon Fruit

Persimmon fruit's health benefits are a variety of diseases removed and treated only by eating certain to make a determination of asthma along with a productive cough, abdominal pain, heart disease, diarrhea and dysentery. Persimmon additional functions to maintain healthy spleen, and lungs were preserved functionality. You just eat persimmon grown in the country can be made directly or even other snacks.

Of course there is more Persimmon Berry Benefits

Ripe persimmon ideal to serve as what you eat Benefits of persimmon for diet are can reduce your calorie consumption. The carbohydrate content is enough to satiate your stomach will not make you feel thirsty because persimmons contain a lot of water anyway.

Benefits of Persimmon Related to Beauty
Persimmon benefits to the skin that can be had simply by swallowing persimmon ready. Persimmon fruit consists of vitamin C are also rich in antioxidants that can brighten up the skin and slow down the influx of free radicals in the skin so the skin will look unattractive and less shiny. These benefits can not be realized only with people when this kind of benefit is very good for your skin well-being.

Eating persimmon is also recommended for women who are pregnant. Benefits of persimmon fruit for pregnant women contained in the persimmon fruit content of its own. One is a choline that will help the growth of the fetus and helps in blood, and maintain the consumption of nutrients to the fetus really is. Pregnant women should eat persimmons to maintain stable blood Mister, vitamins and minerals fulfillment balanced.

Benefits of Persimmon Fruit for Pregnant Women
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Benefits of Persimmon Fruit for Pregnant Women

So some of the benefits of persimmon which you can probably find it just enough to eat fruit that is famous for these flirtatious. This fruit may be used as a light meal in the form of juice, or the cake will give you a different experience in eating persimmon but while using the same content.

These are persimmon nutritious for health benefits. Fruit that includes another name, oriental persimmon nutritional value a lot. Although persimmon little odd, but you will never hear it.

Persimmon provide mimic the physical characteristics of apples, the differences may exist as a white powder that blanketed the actual persimmon skin. Persimmon which may be old or have a ripe orange, but there are many who have a yellow color persimmon orange approach.

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Persimmon fruit for profit Health For Pregnancy

If divided, fruit pulp brought a shape resembling a ripe papaya 50 percent. It was beautiful but when chewing soft tongue compared with apples. Speaking associated with persimmon, we can see the benefits of persimmon fruit for health.

Persimmon fruit has many nutritional content. Some contain enough nutrients required for the body of a persimmon can have it, such as vitamin A, carbohydrates, protein, potassium along with protein.

Not only reserved for us, the benefits of persimmon associated with pregnant women may need to meet the daily energy actually want, and assist in blood levels when pregnant women suffer from anemia. In addition, the article also helps provide antioxidant persimmon resistance pregnant woman's system, thereby preventing disease and virus attacks for carrying a child.

Benefits of Persimmon for Diet

If you might be going through a diet program, persimmon fruits are also consumed in food. Benefits of persimmons are because carbohydrate diet can actually be quite high as an alternative to rice, as well as high levels of protein might supply a balanced nutritional diet.

Replace rice in the diet does not mean you cannot eat rice in the entire diet, but reducing the portion of rice and replaced with some fiber-rich persimmon. To that end, the key to success in the diet will reduce the consumption of the fat content of foods and increasing the consumption of protein for the body. Fill with apple fruit is usually a substitute in the event you get bored with pick fruit during this diet.

Also interesting news from persimmon is for women who want to look naturally beautiful, white and light earthy. Inclusion, the benefits of persimmon can also eliminate the premature aging of the skin of women.
Well, before the scary thing suffered in your face, do prevention well, one of them by using a persimmon. Therefore, persimmon brings the content of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin E and antioxidants. Nutrition is considered to make the benefits of persimmon ended up being white skin and prevent wrinkles.

Antioxidants in persimmon act as anti-free radicals such as exposure to UV and dirt on the skin. Then we do not need to doubt the benefits of sweet persimmon. Therefore, eating once a day persimmon be the best way to get the benefits of persimmon.

Persimmon even as we know, has a well-liked other parts of the name when the name of persimmon. Persimmon fruit is actually made up of many varieties, such as japannese persimmon, persimmon usa, Black persimmon, persimmon India etc. Basically persimmon bring sweetness, however, many specific varieties have a sweet taste like japanesse Persimon.

Persimmon is the fruit name given to several different species of fruit on the family fruit while using scientific name Diospyros. Although the most famous version of certain fruit originally got their start in China, but has now spread to some or all parts of the world throughout the past few millennia, and similar species have been found in other regions around the world. All varieties of persimmon found throughout the world, but basically provide the same health benefits as fiber along with organic compounds is certainly not unusual.

Persimmon along with too many health benefits of sweet and delicious, such as increasing the eye's welfare, reduce the signal-aging, prevent various types of cancer, gastrointestinal wellbeing, boost the immune system, lowers cholesterol, increases metabolism, strengthens bone fragments, improve cognitive function, reduce tension blood and skin wellness. In addition, the persimmon fruit can also help you lose weight, reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation.

Persimmon can end up eaten fresh, dehydrated, or cooked, although the taste may change, but generally beautiful and soft. You need to enable persimmon really be thoroughly cooked before consumption so that it can fully tender along with the sweet.

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Details of Nutrition in Persimmon fruit

Persimmon fruit has many health benefits, it is as a result of vitamin and mineral content is very high, and noticed that some organic compounds that may be unusual. Including vitamin A supplements, vitamin H, vitamin E along with vitamin B6, along with fiber, manganese, birdwatcher, magnesium, potassium, along with phosphorus. organic compounds that may be the most important part, including catechins, gallocatechins, betulinic p, and a number of carotenoid compounds in the vitamin B complex.

The benefits of eating persimmon related to Health

Cancer Avoidance:

Persimmon fruit consists of anti-cancer agents that can increase the body's ability to fight free radicals. Free radicals typically are byproducts of cell metabolism that will mutate from healthy cells into cell malignancy or cancer can affect organ method. Antioxidants in persimmon duty to uncover and eliminate free radicals in the body, thus improving the entire health and forced himself to various diseases. Persimmon contains high amounts of vitamin C along with vitamin A, as well as phenolic compounds such as catechins and gallocatechins, which is immediately associated with the prevention of various cancers.

Enhance immune processes

Because the quality of the components of antioxidants and cancer prevention, persimmons help also boost the immune system out. Persimmon contains one of the few highs, p ascorbate (vitamin C), which allows it to meet about 80% of the daily requirement of these nutrients. Vitamin C is beneficial to stimulate the immune system and increase the actual production of white blood cells in color, which may be the front line of defense of the body against bacteria, viruses, and fungal infections, such as properly as foreign physical objects or toxic materials.

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Healthy Digestion

Such as fruits, persimmons are also a good source of fiber, which contains almost 20% of the daily requirement. Fiber helps food digestion process is actually more effective, by stimulating peristalsis to move food through the digestive system, increase the release of stomach with digestive juices, and slow down until the symptoms of constipation with diarrhea. Overall, high-fiber fruits such as persimmons are usually the main driver for the performance of the digestive tract and colorectal cancer may be forced to go along with the same disease. Persimmon also can help you lose weight, by helping the actual absorption of fat, which can lead to obesity.


Together with antioxidant properties that can reduce the likelihood of malignancy, persimmon may also slow up the risk of progression of growth. Persimmon consisting of betulinic acid, which is an anti-tumor compound. This can reduce the prospects of developing tumors use to induce apoptosis. In case you already have a tumor, eating persimmon can slow up the size and terminate its development directly to the cancer.

Health Benefits of Persimmon Anti-aging
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Persimmon abundant in vitamins, especially vitamin A, beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, along with cryptoxanthins. This all can also function as antioxidants, specifically to reduce oxidative stress and prevent the signs of premature aging of the skin, such as the view that wrinkles, dark spots due to age, and prevent Alzheimer's disease (dementia), low energy, vision, muscle weak point, and the condition is much more.

Eye health

Some compounds in actual persimmon also proven treatment for eye health. Zeaxanthin, a member of the vitamin B complex industry that actually, is directly related to improving the healthiness car without the natural eye as an antioxidant. Research shows that Zeaxanthin can reduce macular weakening, cataracts, and night blindness.

Lowering High Blood Pressure

Potassium is a mineral supplement that can be found in significant quantities in the persimmon. Potassium can act as a vasodilator along with lowering blood tension, thereby increasing blood flow throughout the system. It will slow up the tension on the heart and prevent heart disease.

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Improves blood circulation

Along with blood pressure, persimmon additional supply of copper, which can be an important element for the formation of new red blood solar cells. Without copper, the body can not process the nutrients needed for the formation of additional hemoglobin. Increased circulation of healthy red blood cells would improve cognitive function, muscle, metabolism, energy augmentation, wound healing along with the growth of cells.

Increase Your Metabolism

Persimmon contains some part of the vitamin B complex, as piridoksamin, p folate (vitamin B9), along with thiamin, which can be an important part of the enzymatic process varies with the metabolic functions in the body. Thus, he will maintain the quality of the body's metabolic system to function efficiently and correctly.


Persimmon fruit can lower blood pressure significantly, when you are suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure), can be devastating. Besides coming out of it, eating delicious fruit such as persimmons will give a reward in the form of benefits of Persimmon for you!

Trully Amazing Health Benefits of Ashwagandha

03.51 Add Comment
Health Benefits of Ashwagandha
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Health Benefits of Ashwagandha - Ashwagandha, an exotic Indian herb, has remarkable stress relieving properties comparable to a powerful drug used to treat depression and anxiety. In addition to excellent protective effects on the nervous system, ashwagandha may be a promising alternative treatment for various degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Ashwagandha has powerful antioxidant properties that seek and destroy free radicals that have been involved in aging and many disease states. Even more remarkable, emerging evidence suggests that ashwagandha benefit for anti-cancer is so great.

Benefits of Ashwagandha as Strong protective effect on the nervous system

Stress, environmental toxins, and poor nutrition all have a detrimental impact on our nervous system. Scientific studies support ashwagandha's benefits not only to relieve stress, but also to protect brain cells against the deleterious effects of our modern lifestyle.

For example, in validated models of anxiety and depression, ashwagandha has been shown to be as effective as sedatives and antidepressants. In particular, oral administration of ashwagandha for five days suggested anxiety-relieving effect similar to that achieved by the anti-anxiety drug lorazepam (Ativan®), and antidepressant effects are similar to those of prescription antidepressant drug imipramine (Tofranil®) .

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Great Ashwagandha Benefits for Stress Treatment

Stress can lead to an increase in lipid peroxidation, while reducing the levels of the antioxidant enzymes catalase and glutathione peroxidase. When ashwagandha extract given by the re-search an hour before stress-inducing procedure daily, all the parameters of free radical damage normalized in a dose-dependent manner.

Premature aging associated with chronic nervous tension may be associated with increased oxidative stress, which was abolished by antioxidant properties strong of ashwagandha extract. The researchers believe these findings support the clinical use of ashwagandha as an anti-stress agent. That also proves that the benefits of ashwaganda for beauty are really amazing.

Other studies of chronic stress support these findings. For example, in a study extraordinary animal, the brain scans of sacrificial animals showed that 85% of brain cells was observed in animals exposed to chronic stress showed signs of degeneration. This is the kind of degeneration of cells that can cause long-term cognitive difficulties. Remarkably, when ashwagandha are given to animals to chronic stress, the number of brain cells degenerate reduced by 80%!

In one human clinical trials of the most complete to date, the researchers studied the effects of a standardized extract of ashwagandha on the negative effects of stress, including increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Many side effects of stress are thought to be related to increased levels of cortisol. The results are impressive.

The participants subjectively reported increased energy, reduce fatigue, sleep better, and increase the sense of well-being. The participants showed some measurable improvements, including a reduction in cortisol levels up to 26%, reduction in fasting blood sugar levels, and increased lipid profile. It would appear from this study that ashwagandha benefit for health and psychological problesm are really something.

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Ashwagandha Benefits for Brain
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Great Ashwagandha Benefits for Brain

Over the past five years, the Institute of Natural Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University in Japan have been conducting extensive research into the health benefits ashwagandha for brain. Institute scientists are looking for ways to induce regeneration of nerve cell components called axons and dendrites in validated models of the human brain.

This research is important may one day benefit those who have incurred brain injury as a result of physical trauma, as well as those who suffer cognitive decline due to destruction of nerve cell networks from diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's.

Great Ashwagandha Benefits for Nerve Cells

Using a validated model of nerve cells are damaged and impaired nerve-signaling pathways, re-seekers noted that ashwagandha supported significant regeneration of axons and dendrites of nerve cells. Moreover, ashwagandha extract support reconstruction of synapses, the junction where nerve cells communicate with other cells.

The investigators concluded that ashwagandha extract helps to reconstruct networks of the nervous system, so that a potential treatment for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.

In another study in the same institute, researchers found that ashwagandha helped support the growth of nerve cell dendrites, which allow these cells to receive communications from other cells. This finding suggests that ashwagandha could help heal the brain tissue changes that accompany dementia.

Finally, in a third published study, the researchers noted that ashwagandha helped promote the growth of nerve cells and the drug lords normal breast fasteners and damaged a second, shows that herbs can improve the function of brain cells healthy and sick benefits cells.

These findings provide tremendous hope that ashwagandha extract may one day help cure neurodegenerative diseases in humans, freeing patients from the mental prison of dementia and Alzheimer's. Obviously, this is only the beginning of the study ashwagandha's ability to push back the brain's physical growth.

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Ashwagandha benefits for Parkinson and Alzheimer treatment.

Ashwagandha also shows promise as a treatment for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, a chronic neurodegenerative condition that there is currently no cure. In a recent study using a standard model of human Parkinson's disease, ashwagandha extract reversed all the parameters Parkinson types of neurodegeneration significantly and in a dose-dependent manner.

Remarkably, previous studies showed that ashwagandha extract inhibits acetylcholinesterase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down one a key chemical messengers of the brain. Drugs currently used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, such as Aricept®, acting in a way to slow the progression of this very frightening, mind-robbing this disease.

Ashwagandha Benefits for Cancer Treatment

Studies Suggest Potential Anti-Cancer Activity. In addition to ashwagandha's documented neuroprotective effects, exciting recent evidence shows that also has the potential to stop cancer cells in their tracks. For example, a recent analysis showed that ashwagandha has benefits to inhibits the growth of human breast, lung, and colon cancer cell lines in the laboratory.

This inhibition was comparable to that achieved with common cancer chemotherapy drug doxorubicin (Caelyx®, Myocet®). In fact, the researchers reported that withaferin A, certain compounds extracted from ashwagandha, it is more effective than doxorubicin in inhibiting breast and colon cancer cell growth. 

Scientists in India recently conducted a study showed that the extract of ashwagandha cells interfere with the ability of cancer cells' to reproduce the key measures in the fight against cancer. Additionally, laboratory analysis indicates that ashwagandha extract has anti-angiogenic activity, also known as the ability to prevent cancer from forming new blood vessels to support its unbridled growth. These findings lend further support to ashwagandha's potential role in fighting cancer. Based on these studies, research in this area continues.

Ashwagandha Benefits for Prevent Stomach Cancer

In another study, oral ashwagandha extract significantly inhibited experimentally induced stomach cancer in laboratory animals. 60% reduced tumor incidence and tumor multiplicity (number) of 92%. Similarly, in a mouse model of skin cancer, ashwagandha inhibit tumor incidence and the number by 45% and 71%, respectively.

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Ashwagandha Benefits for Prevent Skin Cancer

Ashwagandha protective effect against skin cancer has been shown in other studies well. A recent trials showed that ashwagandha extract resulted in a marked increase in life span and decrease in tumor weight in animals with experimentally induced cancer of the lymphatic system. This is an exciting finding, showing that ashwagandha has benefits to improve survival in people with cancer.

Benefits of Ashwagandha for Men


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Ashwagandha which increases sperm fertility

Scientists speculate that some of ashwagandha benefits derived from its antioxidant properties and ability to scavenge free radicals.

Two main classes of compounds steroidal alkaloids and steroidal lactones-may explain the wide range of activities beneficial effects. Steroidal lactones consist of a class of constituents called withanolides. Until now, scientists have identified and studied at least 12 alkaloids and 35 withanolides.

Many ashwagandha pharmacological activity has been attributed to two main withanolides, withaferin A and withanolide D.

Other studies reveal that ashwagandha has antimicrobial properties, with antibacterial activity against potentially dangerous bacteria, including Salmonella, an organism associated with food poisoning. This activity is demonstrated in infected cell cultures and laboratory animals.

Additional studies show that ashwagandha root extracts improve the ability of macrophage immune cells to "eat" pathogens, compared with macrophages from a control group that did not receive ashwagandha.

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Benefits of Ashwagandha for Chemotherapy Treatment

Ashwagandha extract may also have applications as an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy treatment. One of the consequences of chemotherapy is neutropenia, a decrease in white blood cells called neutrophils, which can leave patients susceptible to dangerous infections. An animal study showed that oral ashwagandha extract protected against this decline in neutrophils fight infection. While more research is needed humans, these findings indicate that ashwagandha may be an excellent adjunct therapy for chemotherapy.

Another animal study investigated the effects of ashwagandha extract in normalizing immune suppressive effects of chemotherapy. When the test animals receiving a common chemotherapy drug, the desired level of immune factors interferon-gamma and interleukin-2 decreases.

When the animals also received an oral extract of ashwagandha, however, their immune system parameters remain normal. These findings add support to the idea that ashwagandha may help protect immune function during chemotherapy treatment.

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Chronic stress demand high prices of our bodies and our minds. Many degenerative diseases, as well as premature aging, associated with chronic nervous tension. There is a great need for preventive strategies that are safe and effective to combat the ravages of stress on our nervous system.
Benefits of ashwagandha, an exotic Indian herb, has demonstrated anti-anxiety and neuroprotective effects, and tantalizing evidence shows that he is also a cancer fighter. Animal toxicity studies show that a remarkable plant was safe and well tolerated

Eureka...Here Are The Hidden Health Benefits of Mahogany Tree

01.32 Add Comment
Health Benefits of Mahogany Tree
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Did you ever taste mahogany seeds? wow ,, very bitter taste, Isn't it!!?? Oh, I see?? Research mahogany fruit as vitamins and drugs was first performed by biochemists, DR. Larry Brookes, in the 1990s. Mahogany fruit contains flavonoids and saponins.

Health Benefits of Mahogany Tree

Its flavonoid content is useful for blood circulation, especially to prevent blockage of the blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels and the accumulation of fat in the walls of blood vessels, helping to reduce pain, bleeding, and bruising, as well as acting as antioxidants to eliminate free radicals.

Saponins useful to prevent plague, reduce body fat, boost the immune system, improve blood sugar levels, as well as strengthen the liver function and slow the process of blood clotting.

According to Chinese medicine, this plant has the characteristic bitter, cold, antipyretic (fever), antifungal, and can lower high blood pressure, hypertension, blood sugar disorders, lack of appetite, fever, and helps maintain durability. This plant also has the ability as an astringent (drying), can precipitate proteins intestinal mucous membrane and form a layer that protects the intestine, thus inhibiting glucose intake and the rate of increase in blood glucose.

It is said also, mahogany herb powder was believed to have efficacy to aid the healing process and vitality. There are also suitable for the initial level of complaints stroke, hypertension, diabetes.

A study mahogany seeds in lowering blood glucose in animal studies ever conducted Laurentia Mihardja, researchers at the Center For Research and Development of Disease Control, NIHRD. The extract mahogany dose of 45 mg / 160 g mm after 7 days showed significantly different results than the solvent and is no different from glikazide 7.2 mg / 200 g bw. thats are the prove of health benefits of mahogany tree.

How to Get Health Benefits of Mahogany Fruit

1. Edible seeds immediately after discarding the outer skin is shaped flat.
2. Used as first powder, seed crushed or pulverized into a powder and brewed with hot water.
3. Eaten in extract form, this is a lot on the market. The extract is marketed in different forms, ranging from the capsule, powder fiber, juice premix, essential oil (for breast augmentation and a skin), tea powder, until the instant coffee powder. Which is the most in the form of powder, while the other form is based more on order.

If you want to take advantage of factory-made mahogany extract, select that have received permission from the POM. When in doubt, can consult with your doctor, especially for those who have problem with diabetes.

Indeed, the most famous is the health benefits of mahogany for the treatment of malaria, apparently from various studies can be used also for the treatment of diabetes.


- High blood pressure (hypertension).
- Diabetes (diabetes mellitus).
- Lack of appetite,
- Rheumatism.
- Fever.
- Colds.
- Eczema.
-mahogany seeds for menstruation.

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To drink: 1/2 teaspoon of seeds finely ground into powder.


Health Benefits of Mahogany Tree for Hypertension (high blood pressure):
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1. Health Benefits of Mahogany Tree for Hypertension (high blood pressure):

a. 8 grams of freshly brewed beans with 2 cups of hot water. After chilling filtered and divided into two parts. Drinking in the morning and afternoon.

b. 1/2 teaspoon of powdered seeds mahogany brewed with 1/2 cup of hot water, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink while warm, do 2-3 times a day.

2. Diabetes (diabetes)

1/2 teaspoon of powdered seeds mahogany brewed with 1/3 cup of hot water. Drink while warm, 30 minutes before eating. Do it 2-3 times a day.

3. Lack of appetite:

1/2 teaspoon of powdered seeds mahogany brewed with 1/3 cup of hot water, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink while warm, do 2-3 times a day.

4. fever or colds:

1/2 teaspoon of powdered seeds mahogany brewed with 1/4 cup of hot water, then add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink while warm, do 2-3 times a day.

5. eczema and rheumatism

1/2 teaspoon of powdered seeds mahogany brewed with 1/2 cup of hot water. Add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drunk while warm. Do it three times a day.

Mahogany Seeds Side Effect

Besides the benefits are quite a lot, there is also little side effects. From the notes on ingredients seed Mahogany:


needs to watch out, because a certain amount will increase the risk of cholesterol in the bile, which finally will cause gallstones. Besides, it also acts as a steroid.


needs to watch out, because a certain amount will increase the risk of cholesterol in the bile, which finally will cause gallstones. Besides, it also acts as a steroid.

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The Maximum Daily Dose is 200 mg.

Besides, it was a specific person, it seems not yet to cholesterol, bile, had felt pain in the pit of the stomach. So, as long as you measure the dose, and is not used for a long time, probably because of the effects of flavonoids that help permeability or flexibility of blood vessels, it can indeed be used for high blood pressure.

The problem, in the study of saponin, do not use mahogany, also in the department of health database no how the rich content. Because human beings are unique, too, plants grown mahogany with a certain yield certain levels also then become like us is difficult to set and decide.

According to herbalist practitioner experience, should simply eat one seed per day, if eaten immediately. Additional doses comparable to it. and easyly get health benefits of mahogany tree. Good luck