Benefits of Turmeric for Chronic Heartburn

Benefits of Turmeric for Chronic Heartburn

Benefits of Turmeric for Chronic Heartburn - Heartburn is one of the diseases suffered by many people, especially in Indonesia. According to an international database in 2004 suggested that patients with ulcers in Indonesia reached 3 million. Ulcer is a disease that attacks the stomach as an organ which digests food. Heartburn or also known as dyspepsia is a disease that starts from the inflammation that occurs in the inside of the stomach wall. Gastroenteritis is happening continuously will make the inside of the stomach wall will erode, causing sores known as "gastric ulcer". Ulcer is characterized by symptoms such as stomach acid up and become sore stomach and twisted.

Ulcer Recurrence

At this time of ulcer disease relapse then we will feel the pain like the pain in puncture that occurs in our stomachs. This pain is pain occurs in the stomach and sometimes be accompanied by saliva that tasted salty. The pain and tenderness or heat felt from the neck to the middle of the abdomen are common symptoms are felt when these ulcer disease. At the time of this ulcer recurrence, your stomach will reject the arrival of various objects that enter, so if we eat the food will come out and the hull will automatically issue we tasted the food. It also happens to drink.

At the time of heartburn attack, one of the convenient food for our stomach is food that smelled of mint. This will provide a cozy effect in our stomach. Therefore, it is not rare to encounter a wide variety of heartburn medications or brands that have a taste that is not bitter like most other durgs. It was instead like a mint. This is one of the characteristics of drug Ulcer, although sometimes there is an ulcer drug that we encountered tasted bitter as well as drugs in general.

Do you know what makes or causes or triggers of heartburn occur? Most information in the community about the incidence of ulcer disease is because someone rarely eat or often let his stomach empty, or also because of late to eat. So it is not surprising that this ulcer often afflict people who are super busy in performing daily activities to not have time to feed the stomach itself because much time is consumed. And we all know eating is one very important thing that we must do to support our daily activities. however, actually just eat less or delayed meals that causes a person infected with this ulcer disease? Or are there other causes? Here we will discuss about the cause of ulcers.

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The cause heartburn

The cause of the ulcer, there a variety of species. No cause of ulcers that come from certain drugs, but there is also cause ulcers as a human habit that is often done in everyday life. The advent of ulcer disease can be caused due to consumption of certain types of drugs. Drugs that can cause ulcer disease is contagious to humans include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (also called NSAIDs), like ibuprofen or aspirin. Actually, the main cause of the emergence of ulcer disease there are two kinds, namely the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) and also the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such. The bacteria H. pylori is a bacterium that can make the irritants that cause the appearance of injuries that occur in the stomach or upper intestine also.

In addition to the bacteria and also non streroid anti-inflammatory drugs, there are also causes of this disease are because of one's own habits. Generally the causes of heartburn are:

  • Irregular eating or eating too late.
  • smoking, namely as active smokers.
  • stress
  • Lack of time because a lot of the time it used to work and move in everyday life.
  • Often eating foods that are spicy and sour flavors.
  • Often drink that contains alcohol and caffeine.
That is generally the things that can cause ulcer disease that often lurk Indonesian society. When we look at the cause in general, many of our daily activities has the potential to make this the emergence of ulcer disease. Therefore we should be aware if any time esalu infected ulcer disease. So, what can we do to make the treatment of stomach ulcers if we do not get to go to the doctor?

There are so many kinds of ulcer drugs that we can get easily in apotik- pharmacy or drug store or even at stalls that are around us. But for those who do not usually use random drug, of course, would prefer a secure manner using natural ingredients derived directly from nature. Then, any plant that we can use to make a potion of the anti-ulcer?

Turmeric and Abortion

Actually, many of the plants that we can use to make an ulcer drug naturally. One of the plants that have efficacy for treating heartburn is turmeric. Turmeric is a plant that is a kind of herb that is widely used to make traditional medicine and to cook certain dishes. turmeric has one characteristic that has a striking yellow color, with a yellow color will be able to stick anywhere. Therefore turmeric is also often used as a natural food coloring. Examples are we to make yellow rice, the saffron is used to change the color of the rice which was originally white to yellow.

Benefits of Turmeric for heartburn is used to make medicine or traditional medicine. This is because turmeric contains zaz- nutrients that are beneficial for the body. In this turmeric, contained compounds as a medicine called kurkuminoid. Kurkuminoid consists of curcumin, desmetoksikumin as much as 10% and also bisdesmitoksikurkumin as much as 1 to 5%, and other beneficial substances such as essential oils. Turmeric also contains fat as much as 1% to 3%, 3% carbohydrate, 30% protein, 8% starch, vitamin C 45% to 55%, and also mineral salts such as iron, phosphorus, and calcium.

Various content of substances or compounds which are owned by turmeric makes turmeric as an ingredient that can be used for various kinds of diseases. One's disease can be cured with turmeric is ulcer disease. Turmeric can be a potent drug to treat ulcers in certain ways. then, how do we benefit from turmeric to treat ulcers?

Turmeric Recipes to Treat Ulcer

Turmeric can be used as a prescription to treat ulcer disease. How to use is to make a concoction of turmeric. Concoction of turmeric can be created and used to make an ulcer drug in the following manner:

  • Take some turmeric (about 2 to 3 rhizome)
  • Clean up clean, then peel the husk
  • The grated turmeric
  • Wring the saffron water
  • Then the drinking water of the turmeric in the morning and afternoon with a routine.
That concoction of turmeric benefits for heartburn that you can make yourself at home to solve your heartburn. do it if you got ulcer disease that must be treated immediately. In taking these ingredients can also be added with a little salt. After drinking the concoction of turmeric, heartburn that you are suffering can slightly subsided. Good luck and hopefully this article useful

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