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Miracle fruit from God - Benefits of the fruit that called “Allium Sativum” in latin is very popular. Even in 3000 B.C poet from china has tested and wrote the benefit of garlic.in 335 B.C Greek scholar also tested garlic for treatment. In Asia garlic is very popular, almost in all kitchen garlic will present. Not only for treatment, garlic also has many benefits for human health.
Besides the benefits that contained in garlic, this tuber has bad smell that makes some people not consume it. Apart from garlic smell, human have to take good care for their health.
And here are some benefits of garlic for human health:
1. Reduce LDL
The benefit of tubers that very famous as spices in Indonesia is its ability to decrease bad cholesterol. Garlic is able to cut bad cholesterol in human body significantly. Many research have proves that garlic can reduce bad cholesterol or Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) around 10-15%. Even garlic is very effective to reduce bad cholesterol, it doesn’t make any change for HDL (High-density lipoprotein) good cholesterol. So with that benefit your body will free from Low-density lipoprotein (LDL).
click to see : another fruit that has giant advantage for human health
click to see : another fruit that has giant advantage for human health
2. Wanna have long live? Consume garlic is a solution for you
Age is God secret, but with a ton benefits of garlic that most people know won’t be wrong if we undertake to keep body in fit conditions. If consume garlic routinely you will get the benefits of garlic to keep body in good condition and healthy body is one of many reason for the long life.
3. Preventing Dementia and Alzhemeir’s Disease
Nerve damage or oxidative is that affected by free radical is plays an important role for premature aging. Garlic is contained of anti-oxidant that contain of human body protection mechanism to oxidative damage.
Consume garlic is proven to increase anti-oxidant enzyme in human. Also significantly reduce oxidative stress on the high blood pressure patient.
The combini of reducing LDL, high blood pressure and anti-oxidant properties can prevent brain disease like Dementia and Alzhemeir’s Disease.
The Garlic has a same effect when you drink coffee. The benefit of coffee is includes increase the protection of disease that associated with degradation of nerve function in human body.
4. Garlic can Trim Weight
Many researches have shown that anti -inflammatory agents that contained in garlic can help regulate fat cells that form in human body.
Over weight that also known as obesity is form when fats form continually but not burn to be energy. This step is change preadiposit be fat cells (adipocytes) through process that we call inflammatory system. The compound that named Vinyldithiin in garlic can help prevent the inflammatory process that of course it good to prevent over weight (obesity)
5. Very potent eliminating toothaches
Garlic sometimes can be very helpful at the time of critical or urgent moment when you get toothache. In common toothache is caused by bacteria that contained in your tooth. Anti-virus and anti-bacteria in garlic can eradicate and eliminate bacteria that caused toothache. Garlic also has analgesic content that can lowering toothache pain.