Benefits and Side Effect of Loofah Fruit for Human

07.12 Add Comment
Benefits of Loofah Fruit
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Benefits and Side Effect of Loofah Fruit for Human - Lately we seem shocked with news of a sighting of a fruit plant which has a shape similar to boobs. The name of this fruit was fruit loofah. Perhaps loofah fruit is still unfamiliar to you. This loofah origin is a fruit typical of many found in the State of Vietnam. Loofah fruit has a pink color with enlarged end portion and has a black lump similar to putting on the boobs. Indeed sounds a little vulgar, but the fruit is really there.

Nutrition in Fruits Loofah

Here's a list of loofah fruit nutrition content as a reference to get the benefits of using a loofah. In the 250 grams of loofah contained:
  • 40 cal energy
  • 2 grams or 8 cal content of Calories
  • 0.25 gram or 2.25 Kal fat content
  • 9.5 grams or 38 cal content of Carbohydrates
In addition to some of the nutrients that have been mentioned above, studies have shown that in 250 grams of loofah there is also the content of vitamins and minerals is not the least of which is Folate and Vitamin K. Well, with a high nutrient content, no wonder the benefits of fruit loofah vietnam is very powerful.

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About The Benefits of Loofah Fruit

Loofah fruit is actually one type of cucumber that goes into varieties of vegetables. In the region of origin loofah, people use it as a food or food ingredients. In Indonesia, vegetable squash is a vegetable that is still a relative with a loofah. Intrigued with the loofah, Breast Fruit?

Loofah fruit have Luffa Aegyptiaca Scientific name. The shape is rather strange and new ones to see it might be a little hesitant to consume. In general, the Vietnamese community loofah widely used as an ingredient dishes such as soups and other dishes. The following will explain the various benefits of fruit loofah:

Loofah helpful to cure constipation

If you experience constipation or other digestive disease, eating fruits loofah can help you overcome them. Loofah fruit that is completely ripe contain a lot of fiber which is very good for the digestive system.

helpful Loofah to serve as a delicious vegetable

Want to try different dishes? Looks like loofah can be a unique recommendation to accompany meals you eat. To be used as food ingredients, usually used loofah young fruit can be cooked as a vegetable, soup or other dishes. The taste of loofah actually similar to squash vegetable flavor that we can find it easily.
Benefits of Loofah Fruit Loofah for sponges for bathing
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Loofah for sponges for bathing?

Benefits of using a loofah are not only for health, here are unique benefits of loofah. Did you know if you use a regular sponge for the bath are also made from fruit loofah?

Hmmm, what's true is not it? Loofah fruit before have to go through processing in advance to be used as a bath sponge. In this process, the fruit is cleaned and only taken is loofah fiber that xylem. This is what will be produced as a main ingredient sponge maker.

In addition to bath sponge, loofah already mongering can be used as a sponge for washing eating utensils were dirty. In this case, Loofah usefulness is very effective because a lot of fiber which can sweep dirt leftovers.

Fruit loofah as raw material for furniture

Loofah fruit there is also used as a raw material for making furniture. Production of furniture that use a loofah is mostly found in the country of Paraguay. The use of fruit loofah for this furniture is by mixing with other materials.

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Fruit loofah can be made snack foods

Have you ever tried a snack made of loofah? If not, you can also cultivate loofah to be used as a snack or light meal at home. The trick is to slice the fruit beforehand loofah. After that loofah already sliced can be flavored and fried until crispy. Simple is not it?

Fruit loofah can brighten the skin

Loofah fruit is believed to increase the brightness of the skin. How? To do this a little unique. If you want to get the properties of loofah this one, you can use a loofah scrub made from dried. Scrub tool is said to be able to lift dead skin cells and can shrink the pores of your skin. However, do not rub too hard, because it could be the skin actually hurt rather than become brighter.

Use the tool loofah scrub on a regular basis so that the results can be maximized. Furthermore, the effect of the tool loofah scrub of this will make the skin healthier because doing scrub on the skin, it will help the circulation of air at the surface of the skin so the skin becomes healthier. Interesting is not it?

Fruit loofah as medicine

Loofah fruit that has a lot of vitamins and other nutrients can be used as medicine. Any disease that can be cured by fruit loofah? You can use a loofah fruit in a way to boil, then boiled water loofah can be used to prevent or treat the disease cough. Make a loofah treatment with boiling water regularly until the cough gradually recovering.

loofah benefits to relieve joint pain

The benefits of fruit loofah others is to treat joint pain. Several studies have proven that by consuming loofah, either cooked or boiled and drunk, can heal pain that occurs on your joints.

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loofah fruit consumption can treat swelling

Loofah fruit eaten immediately consumed with how to relieve swelling in the sinuses or nasal area. Consume directly loofah can keep nutrients and properties stored in the loofah. For information only, loofah taste is slightly sweet and not too bad for raw consumption. Worth a try.

Benefits of Loofah Fruit for breast feeding
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loofah Fruit can be launched breast milk

If you are a mother who is breastfeeding her baby, consume loofah fruit will help you to increase milk produce. It has not been much research done to prove this. But there is no harm in trying to make a loofah as a material for fine dining menu is not it?
For women who experience irregular menstrual cycles, or you experience pain during menstruation, eating fruit loofah. The content that is in the original fruit Vietnam is believed to unleash your monthly cycle.

Fruit loofah as raw material for skin care products

Besides being used to scrub and sponges, it turns loofah fruit is also used as an ingredient for making skin care products. Experts believe that using a loofah as ingredients of beauty products can detoxify toxins in the body.

Have panda eyes? Try fruit loofah as an eye mask

Do you stay up late? For those of you who have trouble sleeping or have a job that requires you to always sleep late, dark circles are reasonable things that may appear on your eyes. However, dark circles or often referred to as the panda eyes will certainly be very disturbing appearance.
To minimize the circular blackish color in your eye area, use a loofah fruit as a mask on the eyes. The trick davit with fruit smoothes looffah then applied to the eye area. You can also simply slicing fruit loofah and then stick in the eye.

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Side Effects of Fruits Loofah

In addition to having a wide range of benefits that are very useful for health or beauty, as well as edible, fruit loofah also allegedly have the side effects which if not addressed properly can be detrimental. What is it about the side effects of the “boobs fruit” loofah ?

As Sponge 

The use of fruit as a scrub or loofah sponges for bathing if rubbing too hard can cause sores on the skin surface. It's good body scrub with a loofah with not too loud. In addition, do not use a scrub or loofah sponge for facial skin. This is because the skin on the face is more sensitive and thinner. So feared could damage the skin tissue on your face.

Excessive Consumption Effects

Consumption loofah too often in large numbers they may cause headaches, irritability, loss of concentration to less awareness. Therefore, should pay attention to the amount and intensity of consumption of this loofah.

Accelerating Bleeding

For patients with bleeding disease, eating loofah can aggravate bleeding. Stop eating a loofah to recover nosebleeds if you want to treat swelling in the nose or your sinuses with a loofah fruit.

Those are the information about Benefits and Side Effect of Loofah fruit for human. Everything that beneficial for human if used more than they use to will make a bad effect. So even it has many benefits, don’t forget to get another benefits to make your body health is balance.Thanks for reading :)

Amazing Uncaria Gambir Uses For Human Benefits

19.31 Add Comment

Uncaria Gambir Uses For Human Benefits
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Uncaria Gambir Uses For Human Benefits - Gambir fruit is actually not the fruit of the plant, but the extraction of gum leaves and twigs of the plant Uncaria Gambir Roxb who have gone through the extraction process several times until the result is shaped like fruit which is often called Gambir fruit.

Gambir fruit shaped like pastries, the color is white, brown, and even black. Fruit Gambir has a very distinctive aroma that can be recognized easily. Gambir fruit has its benefits and efficacy, in the German state Gambir fruit is used as an ingredient in medicine karenan it contains nutrients and nutrients that are beneficial to human health.

Gambir fruit contains very high antioxidant, catechins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and tanning substances. Gambir fruit serng used by mothers and grandmothers to mix chewing useful to strengthen teeth that are not easily rotten or broken.

So many benefits of gambir fruit, especially for health, among others: treat headaches, especially headaches or migraines buffering disturbing and torturous, treating acute diarrhea, overcome dysentery, relieve inflammatory disease of the throat, cure heartburn which affect health mulu and gums, treating burns both mild to severe, and overcome canker sores and cracked lips.

Gambir fruit has a very distinctive taste that is bitter and chelates, but behind it all contained many benefits that can provide better quality health for the body. Needless to doubt the efficacy and benefits of fruit Gambir because in the pharmaceutical field Gambir fruit often used as ingredients for drug manufacture contains natural antiseptic that can help speed up the treatment process.

That's the benefit of fruit Gambier for your health is very important and needs to revel know as a natural traditional drugs.

Uncaria Gambir Scientific Classification
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Uncaria Gambir Scientific Classification

  • Kingdom:       Plantae
  • Division:         Magnoliophyta
  • Class:             Magnoliopsida
  • Order:            gentianales
  • Family:           Rubiaceae
  • Genus:            Uncaria
  • Species:          U. gambier
  • binomial name Uncaria gambier (Hunt.) Roxb.

Gambir is a kind of dried sap derived from extracts squeeze the leaves and twigs of plants with the same name (Uncaria gambier Roxb.). In Indonesia Gambir is mostly used in chewing. Usability is more important as a tanner and dyes. Gambir also contains catechins (catechin), a natural ingredient that are antioxidants. India imports 68% gambier from Indonesia, and use it as a mixture of chewing.

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Uncaria Gambir Medicinal Uses


Ourouparia gambier Roxb. Nauclea gambier




Shrubs, 1-3 cm high. Stems erect, rounded, branching simpodial, pale brown color. Single leaf, opposite, oval, serrated edge, base rounded, tapered tip, 8-13 cm long, 4-7 cm wide, green. Compound interest, a bell shape, in axillary, approximately 5 cm long, 5 I ielai crown oval-shaped, purple, egg-shaped fruit, approximately 1.5 cm long, black color. Part Used Sari dried leaves (Gambir).

Local Name:

NAME simplicia Terra Japonica, Gele catechu; Gambir.


Chemical content of catechins, quercetin, catechin tanning substances, catechin red, mucus, fat, and night.

Herbaceous plant with branching vines half lengthwise. Leaves oval, elongated, tapered tip, hairless surface (slippery), with a short petiole. The flowers are composed of a compound with a crown of pink or green; calyx short, funnel-shaped corolla (like flowers coffee), five stamens, and the fruit of the capsule of the two spaces.

Uncaria Gambir Cultivation

Gambir cultivated on land height of 200-800 m above sea level. Starting from a rather flat topography up on the hillside. Usually grown as a plantation crop in the yard or garden at the edge of the forest. Usually semi-intensive cultivation, fertilizer but rarely given the cleaning and pruning is done. In Sumatra planting activity has been disturbing the protected area.

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Uncaria Gambir Product

Gambir is a hot water extract of the leaves and twigs of the plant gambier disedimentasikan and then molded and dried. Nearly 95% of the production is made into this product, which is called betel bite or plan masala. Usually cylindrical mold shape, resembling brown sugar. The color is dark brown. Gambir (in interstate commerce known as gambier) is usually shipped in 50kg packs. Other forms are powders or "biscuit". Other names dalah catechu, gutta gambier, catechu pallidum (pale catechu).

Curable Disease:

TYPICAL PROPERTIES Bitter and chelates. Astringent and hemostatic efficacy. RESEARCH Zulfadli, 1989. Pharmacy, Faculty UNAND. Microbiological tests have been conducted Gambir extract of the leaves and twigs against several bacteria that cause diarrhea in vitro. From this research, it turns the leaves and twigs Gambir extract can inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause diarrhea.

The major use is as a component of chewing, which is already known to the public archipelago, from Sumatra to Papua since at least 2500 years ago. Unknown, Gambier stimulates bile that help smooth the process in the stomach and intestines. Another function is as a mixture of drugs, such as burns, migraine headaches, diarrhea, dysentery medicine, gargle mouthwash, mouth ulcer drugs, as well as skin pain medication (massaged); tanners; and dye textiles.

Functions that are being developed as well as glue plywood or particle board. This product still has to compete with other sources of wood adhesives, such as the bark of Acacia mearnsii, balansa Schinopsis wood, and leather pods Caesalpinia spinosa produced by other countries.

Uncaria Gambir Contents

The Main Content that make Benefits of Uncaria Gambir really great and also contained by many other members of Uncaria are flavonoids (especially gambiriin), catechins (up 51%), tanning substances (22-50%), as well as a number of alkaloids (such as gambirtannin and dihidro- derivatives and oxo. the gambir used modern medicines, produced by Germany, as well as coloring paints, clothing.

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  1. Dysentery.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Burns (topical).
  4. Wounds (topical).
  5. Oral thrush (mouthwash).
  6. Husky voice (mouthwash).

Herbs and dosages

Uncaria Gambir Uses to Treat Diarrhea
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1. Uncaria Gambir Uses to Treat Diarrhea:

  • Gambir piece
  • Turmeric parent piece
  • Handful fresh herbs Chinese Patikan
  • 110 ml water
Ways of making:
Made infusion.

How to use:
Drink 1 a day 100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 3 days. If not cured immediately taken to the nearest doctor.

2. The voice husky and Oral Thrush:

  • Gambir piece
  • 3 pieces of fresh betel leaf
  • 110 ml water

How to manufacture:
Created infusion or steeping.

How to use:
To rinse 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, every time 100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 7 days.


There are several forms of Gambir, among others:
  • Gambir Round.
  • Gambir Board.
  • Gambir Paku.

Gambir is an important ingredient for chewing betel nut (nginang), The habit of chewing betel healthy gums, teeth, and throat.